Share My Creation Space Defender - Ultimate (iSpriteKit)


I have just finished my latest b4i Game [Space Defender - Ultimate]

I have learned a lot new stuff using iSpritekit with this project like using SKEmitters (Particle View)
I am also using for the first time iTiled. I am loading different levels with it and get all objects from it and create them in my game. So far it works great, so i am very happy that i can use now Tiled with b4i!!

This is the first version so i am planning to add lots of cool stuff to it in future updates (if it will get some attention in the store :()


- Boss Fights
- add Story with characters
- different background
- different music
- etc.


Space Defender - Ultimate

A fun and very addictive Space Defender game with amazing pixel art animations.

- Endless gameplay
- Challenging and fun Game
- Pixelart
- 24 different Waves

Try to beat the hi-score and save the Space!

Have fun :)


Tell me what ya think? :)


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First of all, I want to say that I am guilty of everything I'm going to mention below. When coding my own physics, I tend to take the easy route and make the same mistake (Sunset Run) over (Project Ryu) and over (Kindgom Crisis*) again!

the reason i use this scale mode is that with this scale mode i will get exactly the same PHYSICS i get with my test phone. if i use a different scale mode the applying a force or impulse with (0,200) will give me a different result with 2 different screen sizes. so whole my physics will fill completely different in 2 different devices and i really dont want that!
In that case, it pains me to say, but there is something wrong with your/iSpriteKit implementation. I visited the link you provided and nowhere I saw any reference to game physics.

Physics should never, ever, be coupled to pixels in any possible way

The screen should be nothing but a window to the world you have created, not the world itself.
Everything should be in meters per second up until the very last moment when the draw function is called.
oneMeterInPixels = 100 'Example A
oneMeterInPixels = CalculateForThisScreen() 'Example B
'In this example, the spaceship object holds fields that refer to meters, kilograms and seconds
sx = spaceship.x * oneMeterInPixels
sx = spaceship.y * oneMeterInPixels
sw = spaceship.width  * oneMeterInPixels
sh = spaceship.height * oneMeterInPixels
Draw(spaceship, sx, sy, sw, sh)

I know you probably won't try to fix it, because in your eyes the current implementation seems good enough, but please keep this in mind for future projects.

and WHO use today an iphone 4 except of you @wonder ?! o_O
I got it for free and I'm really happy with it. Youtube works fine and I'm even able to play Super Mario Run without any black bars! :D ;)

*In KC, this issue is partially solved. Everything is precalculated at the start of the game, so that it works with any orientation, screen size, density or proportions. The downside is that the engine has to be restarted if you want, for example, larger sprites on screen.
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WHO use today an iphone 4 except of you @wonder ?! o_O

I raise my hand :)

But depending on being 4 or 4S B4i SpriteKit games simply won't work anyway as it requires IOS9 and one of both doesn't go beyond IOS7.something.


Unlike Google Play it still lists the app for me on my device but when I want to install it it notifies that it requires IOS9 or later and that I should update my OS which is not possible.
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Longtime User
I was able to play it by upgrading my iphone 5 from 8.something to 10.something.

Plays very well and the extra touch margin around your ship is good so that you still see it above your finger.

Maybe a bit slow at the start for an action game but it gets harder after a while so that's ok.

Got a 29K score at first play.

Did not see an ad at game over as in your video, ilan. Maybe it didn't receive one for my region for some reason or it's blocked by default in IOS10?

Nice tune in it aswell.


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Longtime User
Did not see an ad at game over as in your video, ilan. Maybe it didn't receive one for my region for some reason or it's blocked by default in IOS10?

maybe the ad could not be loaded because of bad internet connection.
why should it be blocked by ios10? my iphone 5s has ios 10.3.3 and i also tested it on a simulator with ios 11. there should not be any reason an ios version will block your ad although you can block in setting for each app "Cellular data" what means you will get ads only with wifi connection.

i know now why you have not seen an ad. you played my game on Saturday and i block ads on Saturday so you won't see any ads. you should now see again ads so play, play, play... :)

Got a 29K score at first play

nice. my hi-score is:


btw, the new update is now live. there are some bugs fixing and some improvements @andymc suggested.
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it comes with ad blocker if I recall right? never used 10 before untill today so I don't know where to find that setting :)

this is not an ad blocker. its a possibility to block any use of your 3g/4g connection. so the app won't be able to access the internet, any database, or anything that requires an internet connection including ads. you will still get ads if you have wifi connection.


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This is actually the only game installed on my device.

My non-gamer feedback:

- It is fun game. The base is good.
- I think that you should add more "gimmicks". More types of shootings and more types of improvements. Maybe make the shots more powerful whenever you get the same power up.
- The asteroids a are a bit too slow, especially after you went passed the last one.


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Longtime User
This is actually the only game installed on my device.

My non-gamer feedback:

- It is fun game. The base is good.
- I think that you should add more "gimmicks". More types of shootings and more types of improvements. Maybe make the shots more powerful whenever you get the same power up.
- The asteroids a are a bit too slow, especially after you went passed the last one.

Thank you for your feedback erel. Have you installed the latest update? I have improoved it a little including the speed of the asteroids.

I will put more gimmiks to the game and make it much more fun. I just want to see some installs. ;)
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Hi Ilan,

are you enemy attack waves random or are the levels pre-written? I see you have set attack waves for enemy type, but is there a list of enemies in order or does the game pick at random what enemies attack?
Also, do the enemies get harder to kill over time?