I am using the speech to text based on the Vosk English model to enter commands and parameters into my App.
SpeechToText - Continuous Offline Voice Recognition - Biswajit
I have made a car "speed sentry" app using GPS speed which is completely hands free.
The VR system runs continuously so there is no button pushing prompt required.
When I activate the microphone from the UI the system works perfectly, but if I start the microphone programmatically the engine will read one utterance and then the application freezes.
The relevant code is:
If I enable the startVRTmr the system hangs; if I disable it I can start the VR from the UI "lblVoiceRecognition_Click" and it runs fine.
It does this in both release and debug modes using USB Debugging on my Pixel 6A.
I will post the app in "my creations" once I have it sorted.
Has anyone any ideas on this problem?
I have attached the project excluding the vosk model file which is ~40 MB. This can be downloaded from the alphacephei web site
I am using the speech to text based on the Vosk English model to enter commands and parameters into my App.
SpeechToText - Continuous Offline Voice Recognition - Biswajit
I have made a car "speed sentry" app using GPS speed which is completely hands free.
The VR system runs continuously so there is no button pushing prompt required.
When I activate the microphone from the UI the system works perfectly, but if I start the microphone programmatically the engine will read one utterance and then the application freezes.
The relevant code is:
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Activity.LoadLayout("Layout") ...
vrStartTimer.Initialize("startVRTmr", 15000)
vrStartTimer.Enabled = True
End Sub
Sub Activity_PermissionResult (Permission As String, Result As Boolean)
If Result Then CallSub(Starter, "StartGPS")
End If
If Permission = Starter.rp.PERMISSION_RECORD_AUDIO Then
If Result Then
ProgressDialogShow2("Extracting voice model...",False)
If File.IsDirectory(File.DirInternal, model_folder_name) Then
Log("Model found")
#End If
Log("Model not found")
#End If
If File.Exists(File.DirInternal, model_zip_name) Then
Log("Model zip found. Unzipping...")
#End If
Dim ar As Archiver
ar.AsyncUnZip(File.DirInternal, model_zip_name,File.DirInternal,"unzip")
Log("Model zip not found. Copying...")
#End If
Wait For (File.CopyAsync(File.DirAssets, model_zip_name, File.DirInternal, model_zip_name)) Complete (Success As Boolean)
If Success Then
Log("Model zip unzipping...")
#End If
Dim ar As Archiver
Toast.TMClearAndShow("Failed to extract model", True, True)
End If
End If
End If
Toast.TMClearAndShow("Microphone access needed", True, True)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub vrInit
VoiceRecognitionOn = False
STT.Initialize("STT", File.DirInternal&"/"&model_folder_name)
End Sub
Private Sub startVRTmr_Tick
vrStartTimer.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub lblVoiceRecognition_Click
If VoiceRecognitionOn = False Then
VoiceRecognitionOn = True
sentenceText = ""
lblVoiceRecognition.Text = ""
If STT.stop Then
Toast.TMClearAndShow("Voice Recognition Off", False, True)
Toast.TMClearAndShow("Voice Recognition Failed to Stop", True, True)
End If
VoiceRecognitionOn = False
End If
lblPartialText.Visible = False
showPartialText = False
End Sub
If I enable the startVRTmr the system hangs; if I disable it I can start the VR from the UI "lblVoiceRecognition_Click" and it runs fine.
It does this in both release and debug modes using USB Debugging on my Pixel 6A.
I will post the app in "my creations" once I have it sorted.
Has anyone any ideas on this problem?
I have attached the project excluding the vosk model file which is ~40 MB. This can be downloaded from the alphacephei web site
VOSK Models
Accurate speech recognition for Android, iOS, Raspberry Pi and servers with Python, Java, C#, Swift and Node.