I'm trying to use the Speech Recognition API via JavaObjects and Reflection library.
After some hours of research, i finally made (mostly) working version.
This is my Service:
The Service is created once the application is started, the Listen event might be called by a button or a TCP message. But now, the problem:
When i first wrote this code (in the Main activity, not in a service) everything worked really fast - but in the service module the events: 1. getting dispatched very slow, sometimes there is a delay of about 2-3 seconds and 2. some events won't get dispatched - but only sometimes. In example the onError/onEndOfSpeech/onResults event.
Is there a problem with my code, or with the service?
Is there a way to enhance the speed of this service?
I'm trying to use the Speech Recognition API via JavaObjects and Reflection library.
After some hours of research, i finally made (mostly) working version.
This is my Service:
#Region Service Attributes
#StartAtBoot: True
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
Dim R As Reflector
Dim SpeechObj As JavaObject
Dim RecognizeIntent As Intent
End Sub
Sub Service_Create
End Sub
Sub Service_Start(StartingIntent As Intent)
RecognizeIntent.Initialize("android.speech.action.ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH", "")
SpeechObj = SpeechObj.RunMethod("createSpeechRecognizer", Array As Object(R.GetContext))
Dim SpeechEvent As Object = SpeechObj.CreateEvent("android.speech.RecognitionListener", "SpeechRecognition", False)
SpeechObj.RunMethod("setRecognitionListener", Array As Object(SpeechEvent))
End Sub
Sub Service_Destroy
End Sub
Sub Listen()
SpeechObj.RunMethod("startListening", Array As Object(RecognizeIntent))
End Sub
Sub SpeechRecognition_Event(Name As String, Args() As Object)
If (Name <> "onRmsChanged") Then
Log("SpeechRecognition Event: " & Name)
End If
Select (Name)
Case "onResults"
Dim Obj As JavaObject = Args(0)
Obj = Obj.RunMethod("getStringArrayList", Array As Object("results_recognition"))
Dim Lines As String = "mobile|voice"
For i = 0 To Obj.RunMethod("size", Array As Object()) - 1
Dim Line As String = Obj.RunMethod("get", Array As Object(i))
Lines = Lines & "|" & Line
Case "onError", "onEndOfSpeech"
' Speech ended
Case "onRmsChanged"
' Args(0) = Sound level
End Select
End Sub
The Service is created once the application is started, the Listen event might be called by a button or a TCP message. But now, the problem:
When i first wrote this code (in the Main activity, not in a service) everything worked really fast - but in the service module the events: 1. getting dispatched very slow, sometimes there is a delay of about 2-3 seconds and 2. some events won't get dispatched - but only sometimes. In example the onError/onEndOfSpeech/onResults event.
Is there a problem with my code, or with the service?
Is there a way to enhance the speed of this service?