Android Question Spinner choices from a Semi-Colon delimited list


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I thought I would be able to parse a semi-colon delimited list to derive my spinner choices but is not working as I had planned. I can create a comma delimited list from the in the exact same format as the spinner.AddAll(Array as String but this only creates a list with one choice of all the comma delimited list, I am trying the following code. Please let me know how I can populate a spinner from a list like this 5000;10000;20000;30000;50000 . Thanks.

    OptChoices = ""
    Dim paramnum () As String = Regex.Split("\;", Str)
    For Each n As String In paramnum
        OptChoices = OptChoices & Chr(34) & n & Chr(34) & "," 'Chr(34)
    OptChoices = Starter.sf.Left(OptChoices,Starter.sf.Len(OptChoices)-1)
            spnSet.AddAll(Array As String(OptChoices))