Android Tutorial SQL tutorial

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I'm sorely unfamiliar with SQL Lite. Can we use an .mdf database file created in SQLExpress?

Thanks much!


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I have a sqlite database encrypted, I would leave it as is (without decrypting them into a new file). The goal would be to decrypt the database and use it directly from memory for SQL queries. This may be read-only.
Is it possible to use the library through an object or variable without a file? My problem is that the database must not be copied if it is clear and I supose that hacking the tablet / phone that database can be copied ...
An idea?


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SQLite and MS Access Date conversion

I had a hard time finding relevant information about converting date fields to and from Access and SQLite format. I have finally come up with a couple of solutions. Not much but I thought some of you might find them useful.

This sqlite query will convert all "YourDate" field data in an SQLite database from Access short date format (MM/DD/YYYY) to
SQLite format (YYYY-MM-DD) Make sure you backup the database first, just in case the results are not what you intended.

"UPDATE Table SET YourDate = substr(YourDate, 7) || "-" || substr(YourDate,1,2) || "-" || substr(YourDate, 4,2);"


This B4A subroutine will Convert a date string from Access short date format to SQLite date format and vice-versa

Sub ConvertDateStr (DatetoConvert As String) As String

Dim DateParsed(), OutputStr As String
If DatetoConvert.CharAt(2) = "/" Then 'it's in Access short date format
'convert date to SQLite format (YYYY-MM-DD) from Access short date format (MM/DD/YYYY)
DateParsed = Regex.Split("/", DatetoConvert)
OutputStr=DateParsed(2) & "-" & DateParsed(0) & "-" & DateParsed(1)
'date is now in YYYY-MM-DD format
Else If DatetoConvert.CharAt(4) = "-" Then 'it's in SQLite date format
'convert date from SQLite format (YYYY-MM-DD) to Access short date (MM/DD/YYYY)
DateParsed = Regex.Split("-", DatetoConvert)
OutputStr=DateParsed(1) & "/" & DateParsed(2) & "/" & DateParsed(0)
'date is now in MM/DD/YYYY format
Msgbox("Cannot convert date.", "Format not Recognized")
End If

Return OutputStr

End Sub

'to convert an Access short date to SQLite format
Dim SqlDate As String
SqlDate = ConvertDateStr(AccessDate)


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Formatting Datedialog output


If you use the DateDialog to set a date then try to use this sub to convert it you will need to format the Datedialog output first.

sDate= NumberFormat(Dd.Month,2,0) & "/" & NumberFormat(Dd.DayOfMonth,2,0) & "/" & Dd.Year

That reformats the string so that month and day are 2 digits. ie 01,02, etc


Dim sDate As String
Dim Dd As DateDialog
Dd.Year = DateTime.GetYear(DateTime.Now)
Dd.Month = DateTime.GetMonth(DateTime.Now)
Dd.DayOfMonth = DateTime.GetDayOfMonth(DateTime.Now)
ret = Dd.Show("Set date", "Choose Date", "OK", "Cancel", "", Null )

If ret = DialogResponse.CANCEL Then
sDate= NumberFormat(Dd.Month,2,0) & "/" & NumberFormat(Dd.DayOfMonth,2,0) & "/" & Dd.Year
end if


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Does Anybody know where to get SQL - v1.20 library (jar file)



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The SQL library is shiped with Basic4Android it is in the Library folder of Basic4Android.

Best regards.
My shiped SQL Library is version 1.02 (and B4A ver 2.25 ). ExecQueryAsync or ExecNonQueryBatch cannot be used on that version.


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I have this problem:

example runs properly but my app dont runs ......

Sub Process_Globals
End Sub
Sub Globals
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
If FirstTime Then
SQL1.Initialize(File.DirInternal, "Prova1.db", True)
End If
End Sub
Sub CreateTables
SQL1.ExecNonQuery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Posizione")

SQL1.ExecNonQuery("CREATE TABLE table1 (Pos INTEGER , Orient INTEGER, col3 INTEGER)")

End Sub

i have this error......

Parsing code. 0.00
Compiling code. 0.05
Compiling layouts code. 0.00
Generating R file. 0.13
Compiling generated Java code. 1.01
Convert byte code - optimized dex. 0.69
Packaging files. 0.30
Copying libraries resources 0.00
Signing package file (debug key). 1.15
ZipAlign file. 0.12
Installing file to device. Error
pkg: /data/local/tmp/result_DEBUG.apk

Restarting ADB Server may solve this problem. 'I done

Tools - Restart ADB Server. Device serial: emulator-5554


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Gets the value of column col1 for the given row in Cursor1.Position = i.

Best regards.

Ok, so how would I read several columns?
I tried

Cursor1.Position = i

but it doesn't seem to work. I simply want to read one record with a given ID (or CursorPosition) and then display theta on the screen.
For some reason I'm finding such simple task very tedious and complicated to implement using B4A. While working with desktop Apps
the steps involved were: 1)reading the record at a given ID (usually Pk) 2)assigning value from the record Column to the screen variable 3)displaying screen variable in (either editable or read only screen field). I wonder how this co-relates in B4A. One thing I noticed is that all examples are (a)-very fragmented - that means it is hard to find (b)-have added unnecessary complexity. I understand that keeping a FileName, Path or other things as variables,arrays, maps etc. brings lots of flexibility, but at the same time it makes en example App more complex to study.
Here is an example. As a newbie I would like to see simple App which allows to Add/Change/Delete record, but I would like to see each activity done on a separate screen. For example I havea list of records, I select a record -> it opens a Form with record details. On that form I have a 2 buttons UPDATE and DELETE buttons which then either allow to update/delete record.
This is typical scenario for most of the data grid/forms. Then as more advanced App I would like to see this same App with the form which allows: store/update an image (as path), store/update an image as BLOB, store/update Map Location, store update MEMO() (TEXT) type fields.

. Then this same App can be brought to the next level to display record details (that would be Level2). Next this same App could have added Search capability (Level3), then perhaps Sorting capability (Level 4), then FormType activity which displays Parent/Child data (like DBUtils example does) (and that would be Level5).....etc.

This way user can study from the simplest scenario and have more and more features added. Right now many examples (although workable) fall into different context and different development styles, which makes all of us very confused. Those who came from VB might have a little easier, but there are people who are coming from different environments and languages with different concepts and work styles.
Despite I'm really grateful for all the documentation and example Apps (especially the Docs and tutorials from Klaus) I think it would be very beneficial to create on larger App and show hoe to implement from simple to very advanced features step by step.

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Ok, so how would I read several columns?
I tried

Cursor1.Position = i

cursor1.position = I
val1 = cursor.getstring("col1")
val2 = cursor.getstring("col2")
val3 = cursor.getstring("col3")

or direct to the views

label1.text = cursor.getstring("col1")
edittext1.text = cursor.getstring("col2")

and so on


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Excellent, that's what I was looking for.
Thanks a lot.

Now, how would I handle a this ?
database = SQlite
I need to display text field with multiple lines (I think it is a counterpart of MEMO() from MySQL) ?

My 2nd column is TEXT() type so when I try to assign values from database

strDesc = Cur.GetString("col2")

I get an error:
src\B4A\UserInterfaceTabHost\ inconvertible types
found : java.lang.String
required: android.widget.TextView

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yes, but when I do this I can compile with no errors, then when I run it get type mismatch Error

the column in SQLite is TEXT() type, not the CHAR() or VARCHAR()



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SQL Query Prepared Statements

I seem to remember from my Oracle days that it had the facility for SQL Queries to use Prepared Statements (I think that they were called 'using parameterized values'). They had the advantage of preventing SQL Injection. Are they still available with B4A on SQLite databases?
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