Android Question Stable app-starter app


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Hi Guys!
I have an android device, a tv box. I use it, because I made a voice reader program for a blind man and he can control that by a remote contoller. So I need that my program starts without any manual intervention.
On that device the #startatboot doesn't work (android 5.1). I tried some application starter program from google play also but doesn't work either. I think as if there is no BOOT_COMPLETED message.

So I made a kiosk program, what is set also as home app, so that starts well. But when some error occurs in my program (mainly network-related), there is no autostart at power up, but a screen to choose starting app. A blind man can't see that.

I made an external starting app - I thought in that can't happen any error - what can start my voice reader program well. But next power up there is also a screen to choose starting app.

How can write a blind safe starter program?
thanks in advance


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Thank you Erel.
I searched, but no quick boot option.
But I thought, that widget would be good for this goal, so I tried it. On an android emulator worked well. Yes, this is the solution! But on the real device the widget example doesn't worked. It looked as if the widgetservice couldn't start. If I delayed the activity.finish, some times the widgetservice could start normally, but not often. So the delaying was unusable.
So I tried a native java widget example and I experienced that it doesn't worked also (except on emulator).
The widget can appear on screen, but don't react any of click.
So no #startatboot, no widget.
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I tried another widget example what works the same: widget can install and put home screen as module, then widget appear and disappear. It looks like as if the widgetservice is killed by the os.
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Here is some clue, but what is it? Why bad is a process? If I start it manually, or make it to kiosk mode, the app will start and works well!

Unable to launch app com.Misiolvas/10074 for broadcast Intent { act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x8000010 (has extras) }: process is bad
Unable to launch app com.Misiolvas/10074 for broadcast Intent { act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x8000010 (has extras) }: process is bad
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Thank you for quick reply.
I changed the main launcher for the desktop.
Removed my previous program and changed its package name. (com.misiolvas2)
Install to the device, and stop the program.
Power off, and on, and nothing to change. Process is bad. But if I start the app, no problem at all.
I think this problem related only this android device
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Yes, the simplest startatboot example won't start, because the process is bad. Even I can see a lot of other package what can't start, but I can see some what do.
So I don't think there is about any kind of crash. It would be some system limitation maybe.
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