Android Tutorial StateManager - Helps managing Android applications settings and state

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Hi there Erel. Great work.

I can't put it to work with listviews when the user rotates the screen.
It works pressing the home button and going back to the app.

What am I doing wrong?

There's a sample attached.



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StateManager doesn't do anything with listviews (you can see the code).

Ok Erel. I don't loose the data when I press home because because the activity only pauses. Correct?

Will it do something with the listviews?


Mark Zraik

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I looked at your sample code and it looks as though you are just getting startied on this app.

If you are going to be using short lists (Under 20 items in the list), just rerun the listing function on a rotation.
If the list are long, you may have to create your own way of retaining the list in a file on the SD Card area.
You can use the savesettings routine to set a marker or placeholder if you need to.

A simple fix for now would be to select an single orientation for the app and move forward with your coding. You can come back to your rotation issue later.

If you need to, place a
Log("Loading from ...")
statement for Activity_Create, Resume and Pause to see the different steps the app goes through when rotated and when you use the Home button to resume, and the back button to close out of the app. You can also place a conditional to show if FirstTime is true or UserClosed is true. This can give a clearer picture of how you can approach your code.


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Thanks Mark.

I will follow your advice.
I'll set the screen rotation to horizontal and move on with the code for now and look to this issue latter.

Who knows if someone adds the ListView feature to the StateManager.

Best regards.


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Hello Erel,

Can the state be saved of an horizontalscollview?


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Did the changes but not working.
Sub innerSaveState(v As View, list1 As List)
    Dim data() As Object
    If v Is EditText Then
        Dim edit As EditText
        edit = v
        data = Array As Object(edit.Text, edit.SelectionStart)
    Else If v Is Spinner Then
        Dim spinner1 As Spinner
        spinner1 = v
        data = Array As Object(spinner1.SelectedIndex)
    Else If v Is CheckBox Then
        Dim check As CheckBox
        check = v
        data = Array As Object(check.Checked)
    Else If v Is RadioButton Then
        Dim radio As RadioButton
        radio = v
        data = Array As Object(radio.Checked)   
    Else If v Is ToggleButton Then
        Dim toggle As ToggleButton
        toggle = v
        data = Array As Object(toggle.Checked)
    Else If v Is SeekBar Then
        Dim seek As SeekBar
        seek = v
        data = Array As Object(seek.Value)
    Else If v Is TabHost Then
        Dim th As TabHost
        th = v
        data = Array As Object(th.CurrentTab)
        For i = 0 To th.TabCount - 1
            th.CurrentTab = i
        Dim data() As Object
        Dim r As Reflector
        r.Target = th
        Dim tabParentPanel As Panel
        tabParentPanel = r.RunMethod("getTabContentView")
        For i = 0 To tabParentPanel.NumberOfViews - 1
            innerSaveState(tabParentPanel.GetView(i), list1)
    Else If v Is ScrollView Then
        Dim sv As ScrollView
        sv = v
        data = Array As Object(sv.ScrollPosition)
        Dim data() As Object
        innerSaveState(sv.Panel, list1)
    Else If v Is HorizontalScrollView Then
        Dim hsv As HorizontalScrollView
        hsv = v
        data = Array As Object(hsv.ScrollPosition)
        Dim data() As Object
        innerSaveState(hsv.Panel, list1)
    Else If v Is Panel Then
        Dim panel1 As Panel
        panel1 = v
        For i = 0 To panel1.NumberOfViews - 1
            innerSaveState(panel1.GetView(i), list1)
    End If
    If data.Length > 0 Then list1.Add(data)
End Sub
Sub innerRestoreState(v As View, list1 As List)
    Dim data() As Object
    If v Is EditText Then
        Dim edit As EditText
        edit = v
        data = getNextItem(list1)
        edit.Text = data(0)
        edit.SelectionStart = data(1)
    Else If v Is Spinner Then
        Dim spinner1 As Spinner
        spinner1 = v
        data = getNextItem(list1)
        spinner1.SelectedIndex = data(0)
    Else If v Is CheckBox Then
        Dim check As CheckBox
        check = v
        data = getNextItem(list1)
        check.Checked = data(0)
    Else If v Is RadioButton Then
        Dim radio As RadioButton
        radio = v
        data = getNextItem(list1)
        radio.Checked = data(0)
    Else If v Is ToggleButton Then
        Dim toggle As ToggleButton
        toggle = v
        data = getNextItem(list1)
        toggle.Checked = data(0)
    Else If v Is SeekBar Then
        Dim seek As SeekBar
        seek = v
        data = getNextItem(list1)
        seek.Value = data(0)
    Else If v Is TabHost Then
        Dim th As TabHost
        th = v
        data = getNextItem(list1)
        For i = 0 To th.TabCount - 1
            th.CurrentTab = i
        th.CurrentTab = data(0)
        Dim r As Reflector
        r.Target = th
        Dim tabParentPanel As Panel
        tabParentPanel = r.RunMethod("getTabContentView")
        For i = 0 To tabParentPanel.NumberOfViews - 1
            innerRestoreState(tabParentPanel.GetView(i), list1)
    Else If v Is ScrollView Then
        Dim sv As ScrollView
        sv = v
        data = getNextItem(list1)
        sv.ScrollPosition = data(0)
        sv.ScrollPosition = data(0)
        innerRestoreState(sv.Panel, list1)
    Else If v Is HorizontalScrollView Then
        Dim hsv As HorizontalScrollView
        hsv = v
        data = getNextItem(list1)
        hsv.ScrollPosition = data(0)
        sv.ScrollPosition = data(0)
        innerRestoreState(hsv.Panel, list1)
    Else If v Is Panel Then
        Dim panel1 As Panel
        panel1 = v
        For i = 0 To panel1.NumberOfViews - 1
            innerRestoreState(panel1.GetView(i), list1)
    End If
End Sub


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There is a typo in your code. It should be hsv instead of sv. However you can remove this DoEvents call and use ScrollToNow instead of setting ScrollPosition.

Ok, I changed that :
Else If v Is HorizontalScrollView Then
        Dim hsv As HorizontalScrollView
        hsv = v
        data = getNextItem(list1)
        hsv.ScrollPosition = data(0)
        'hsv.ScrollPosition = data(0)
        innerRestoreState(hsv.Panel, list1)

But not working, The HSV doens't save my panels inside !


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I tried to use this great tutorial but I have problem on line 14:

If Settings.IsInitialized = False Then

Unknow member: IsInitialized
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