Sub Options1_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
Dim p As Phone
Dim checkboxcolor As BitmapDrawable
If Value = "Translucent Bars" Then
'If p.SdkVersion <= 18 Then
' Msgbox("Sorry this feature requires a higher version of Android (KitKat, 4.4+)", "Error")
'Else If p.SdkVersion >= 19 Then
If checkedbox = 0 Then
transbars.Background = checkboxcolor
checkedbox = 1
Main.kvs.PutSimple("transflag", 1)
transbars.Background = checkboxcolor
checkedbox = 0
Main.kvs.PutSimple("transflag", 0)
End If
Msgbox2("Changes will not go into effect until the app is restarted. To fully restart press back until you've exited the app.", "Translucent Bars", "", "Ok", "", Null)
End If
End Sub