Android Question Streamlining publishing on the Play Store


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As I'm currently working on an app that requires weekly updates, I'm searching for a quicker way to publish them.
Currently I'm using this steps:
1) Build App Bundle with B4A
2) log in to the Play Console
3) create new release in the internal testing track
4) drag & drop the aab file to the Play Console browser window
5) several clicks to publish the internal testing track, promote to production, submit for review

fellow developers: what steps are you following for publishing your apps?
is there any way to batch execute these steps?


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Hi @Alessandro71,

Don't do it unless you really, really need an internal testing track. If you need to publish new information weekly then the review process alone may delay your app release by 7 days.

Much better to host the data that has changed and have the app check for new data and download every time it starts.

I find Google app publishing has become a regular PITA. Rwducw your exposure to it as much as possible.
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Hi @Alessandro71,

Don't do it unless you really, really need an internal testing track.

I find Google app publishing has become a regular PITA. Rwducw your exposure to it as much as possible.
This is a process that is running regularly since 2020.
Review and publishing from Google usually takes a couple of hours.
I'm just looking for a way to automate release steps
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I think the longer review process applies only to new apps, not to updates of already approved apps, with years of publishing at their record
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I think the longer review process applies only to new apps, not to updates of already approved apps, with years of publishing at their record
1 - I has apps with years of publish on Play Store. Sometime the update of the same app take a minutes, hours or days. You can not assumes that the update will take hours. When you need it most, Google may take a long time to approve the update.

2 - There is no option to automate the process of publishing the app.
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1 - it isn’t relevant to the initial question: minutes or days doesn’t matter, I was just searching for an automated method

2 - this is what I was searching for: even developers with extensive experience and apps are still using the manual method

thank you
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I think the longer review process applies only to new apps, not to updates of already approved apps, with years of publishing at their record
No, it used to be a year ago. And on top of it - if your app is for health care - welcome to the club. You need to fill out the Health apps form. This is a list of checkboxes and categories.
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I am also looking for some automation, if ever Google make it, like drag and drop in GDrive of a app folder and hey presto !
Google may take its time to check but we are free from all these routine works.

If someone finds a way or link or API or something, please post here in the Forum. Will help all members.
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