maybe there is a bug in setting the style of a label, setting it via typeface to bold runs well, italic didn't work as aspected. It will be normal on my devices. Setting it in the Designer works well. But in my case i have set labels programmatically.
Didn't work for me:
Dim f As Typeface
lblDescription.Typeface = f.CreateNew(f.DEFAULT,f.STYLE_ITALIC)
Dim lbl As Label
lbl.Text = "This is a test"
lbl.Typeface = Typeface.CreateNew(Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.STYLE_ITALIC)
Activity.AddView(lbl, 10dip, 10dip, 200dip, 100dip)
Not working at all on Gingerbread Tablet. Italic works on HTC One X. Tried with DEFAULT_BOLD on both as well- didn't work on Tablet, Italic Only on the One X.
Ended up trading my HTX One X for a Galaxy Note and Typeface.CreateNew(Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.STYLE_ITALIC) isn't working on it either. Tried it in a label inside a listview too. Looking like Android version more and more.