Android Question Sub Activity_Create - Controlling Execution


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I would like to have an Activity_Create fired upon re-entry to an activity - testb. The program flow is as follows:
1.) From main I issue a StartActivity("testb"). testb does an initial Activity_Create here. 2.) The user creates a custom math test in testb (testbuilder) 3.) The user takes the test StartActivity("matht"). 4.) Upon completion of the test, the user is sent back to main - StartActivity("main"). 5.) At this point the user can issue another StartActivity("testb") - button_click, from main. However when he does, the same values are saved in the spinners and the total number of test questions has been preserved. If the user presses the back_key from "testb" then goes in again to "testb" things are refreshed...set to 0.

I'm wondering if there is a way to issue the equivalent of a refresh upon re-entry to "testb" - the first time?
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