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SD_ImageView rel.0.01 [B4xlib]
you to upload an image from the web on the View. Just pass the URL as a parameter


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BANano 2.44


1. new method BANano.Join(list, delimiter): Makes a new string from the list where all items are seperated by the delimiter

2. The resulting BANanoObject from the BANanoEvent.OtherField() is now chainable

3. Multi-line Json in the abstract designer now allowed

4. New BANanoJSONQuery: Query your JSON data like a database.

Tip: The query itself runs only after a method returning a normal B4J object like a Int, Map or List:

e.g. the methods All, First, Last, Pluck, Find, Count

Example usage:
Sub FillExData() 'ignore
   Dim aEvt As Object
   Dim request As BANanoXMLHttpRequest
   request.Open("GET", "assets/movies.json")
   request.AddEventListenerOpen("onreadystatechange", aEvt)
   If request.ReadyState = 4 Then
       If request.Status = 200 Then           
           ' get number of records
           ' get the movie name in the first record
           ' get the movie name in the last record
           ' group all movies by rating
           Dim ratings As Map = JQ.GroupBy("rating").All
           ' list per rating how many movies
           For Each rat As String In ratings.Keys
               Dim Lst As List = ratings.Get(rat)
               Log(rat & " = " & Lst.Size)               
           ' get new records with only the actors name and the movie rating
           Dim Lst As List = JQ.SelectFields(Array("actor", "rating")).All
           ' show from the first record the actor
           Log(JQ.SelectFields(Array("actor", "rating")).First.Get("actor"))
           ' get a subset of the records (.toJQ)
           Dim tmpJQ As BANanoJSONQuery = JQ.Where($"{'actor.$eq': 'Al Pacino', 'year.$gt': 1970 }"$) _
                   .OrWhere($"{'rating': 8.4}"$) _
                   .SelectFields(Array("name", "runtime")) _
                   .Order("{'rating': 'desc'}") _
           ' show from the subset the name of the movie with a runtime of 126 minutes (it will show the first found)
           Log(tmpJQ.Find("runtime", 126).Get("name"))
           Log("Error loading")
       End If
   End If
End Sub

5. New BANanoMutationObserver and BANanoMutationRecord.

Example 1: log everything that happens in the DOM on document level
Dim Document As BANanoObject

Dim DocumentObserver As BANanoMutationObserver

DocumentObserver.ChildList = True
DocumentObserver.Attributes = True
DocumentObserver.AttributeOldValue = True
DocumentObserver.CharacterData = True
DocumentObserver.CharacterDataOldValue = True
DocumentObserver.SubTree = True

Sub DocumentObserver_CallBack(records() As BANanoMutationRecord, observer As BANanoMutationObserver)
End Sub

Example 2:

On the keyup event of a textbox, change the backcolor to red
Observer: if the background changes, change it to green
Dim TextBox As BANanoElement
Dim TextBoxObserver As BANanoMutationObserver
TextBoxObserver.Attributes = True ' style is an attribute
TextBoxObserver.AttributeOldValue = True ' and we want to log the old value too

' on keyup make red
Sub SKTextBox1_KeyUp (event As BANanoEvent)
   SKTextBox1.Style = $"{"background-color": "red"}"$
End Sub

' observer, log the old value and change to green
Sub TextBoxObserver_CallBack(records() As BANanoMutationRecord, observer As BANanoMutationObserver)
   Dim record As BANanoMutationRecord = records(0)
   Select Case record.TypeRecord
       Case "attributes"
           Log("Previous value: " & record.OldValue)
           Dim tmpObj As BANanoElement
           tmpObj = BANano.ToElement(record.Target)
           Log("New value: " & tmpObj.GetAttr(record.AttributeName))
           SKTextBox1.Style = $"{"background-color": "green"}"$
   End Select   
End Sub

In the console Log:
app.js:96 Previous value:
app.js:102 New value: background-color: red;
app.js:96 Previous value: background-color: red;
app.js:102 New value: background-color: green;

6. other transpiler fixes

Download: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...library-with-abstract-designer-support.99740/



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BANano 2.46


1. Fix for tags like <br> in Umbrella JS. See for more info: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/banano-odd-br-handling.105595/

2. New BANanoWebSocket: WebSocket client applications use the WebSocket API to communicate with WebSocket servers using the WebSocket protocol.
This can for example be a B4J server, but also any other server that supports WebSocket connections.

With WebSockets you have bi-directional communication (while connected, the server can send messages to the browser).

This example uses a normal B4J jServer. For more info on how B4J jServers work see: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/webapp-web-apps-overview.39811/

BANano code:
Sub Process_Globals
   Private BANano As BANano 'ignore           
   ' dim our websocket
   public ws As BANanoWebSocket
End Sub


Sub BANano_Ready()   
   ' does the browser support websockets?
   If ws.IsSupported Then
       ' last param true = use a Reconnecting WebSocket
       ws.Initialize("ws", "ws://localhost:51042/login", "", True)
   End If   
End Sub

public Sub BrowserWriteLog(message As String)
   ' here for example we'll get the response to our question further: "Who are you?"
End Sub

public Sub BrowserWriteLogWithResult(message As String) As String
   ' the server is waiting for a response....
   Return message & " OK"
End Sub

Sub ws_OnOpen(event As BANanoEvent)
   Log("Websocket opened")   
End Sub

Sub ws_OnError(event As BANanoEvent)
   Log("Websocket error")
End Sub

Sub ws_OnMessage(event As BANanoEvent)
   Log("Websocket message " & event.data)   
End Sub

Sub ws_OnClose(event As BANanoEvent)
   Log("Websocket closed")
End Sub

Sub SKButton1_Click (event As BANanoEvent)
   ' special Send for B4J servers
   ' Use .Send for non-B4J servers
   ws.B4JSend("AServerFunction_BAN", CreateMap("message": "Who are you?"))
End Sub

On the server:

You can use all the B4J WebSocket methods/properties that don't use a JQueryElement:


Also, Future can be used.

B4J Server code:
'WebSocket class
Sub Class_Globals
   Private ws As WebSocket 'ignore   
End Sub

Public Sub Initialize
End Sub

Private Sub WebSocket_Connected (WebSocket1 As WebSocket)
   ws = WebSocket1   
End Sub

Private Sub WebSocket_Disconnected
End Sub

' a method that can be called from the browser: must end with _BAN and have only one parameter: Params as Map
public Sub AServerFunction_BAN(Params As Map)
   ' access to the UpgradeRequest object
   ' is the connection secure?
   Log("Is secure? " & ws.Secure)
   ' is the connection open?
   Log("Is open? " & ws.Open)
   ' run a function, no return value
   ws.RunFunction("BrowserWriteLog", Array("I'm server!"))
   ' running a method in the browser and expect a return value. It must be a method in Main.
   Dim res As Future = ws.RunFunctionWithResult("BrowserWriteLogWithResult", Array("TestWithResult"))
   ' flush to browser
   ' print the return value
   ' run a piece of javascript, no result expected
   Dim script As String = $"window.alert('Hello!');"$
   ws.Eval(script, Null)
   ' run a piece of javascript, with a result from the browser
   ' here we ask what the users browser is
   Dim script2 As String = $" var ua= navigator.userAgent, tem,
       M= ua.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie|trident(?=\/))\/?\s*(\d+)/i) || [];
           tem=  /\brv[ :]+(\d+)/g.exec(ua) || [];
           return 'IE '+(tem[1] || '');
       if(M[1]=== 'Chrome'){
           tem= ua.match(/\b(OPR|Edge)\/(\d+)/);
           if(tem!= null) return tem.slice(1).join(' ').replace('OPR', 'Opera');
       M= M[2]? [M[1], M[2]]: [navigator.appName, navigator.appVersion, '-?'];
       if((tem= ua.match(/version\/(\d+)/i))!= null) M.splice(1, 1, tem[1]);
       return M.join(' ');"$
   Dim res As Future = ws.EvalWithResult(script2, Null)
   ' access to the session
   ' show an alert
   ws.Alert("Alert from the server!")
   ' also supported
End Sub

3. Typo caused some "Needs" to be saved in the CSS.

4. Other small fixes.

Download: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...-library-with-abstract-designer-support.99740



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SD XUI_Design 0.01 [B4XLib]
A customView that allows you to enter the B4Xiew View from design


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This library offers the same features as my Observable library for Android.

Observables are primitive types (boolean, byte, double, float, integer, long, short), strings, objects or collections (map, list, record) that trigger events when they are modified. They can also automatically update the views with which they are bound.

Examples include the DBEditor project that displays the content of a database and allows it to be modified with forms or inplace editors. This is a typical example that can be seen in many applications. I don't think it's possible to make it any simpler than how it's written.

You will notice that in two examples I modify the TableView columns to add the support of jObservable objects. This allows the data values to be displayed directly without having to refresh the table (any modification of an Observable is automatically reflected in the cell).


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BANano v3.09



1. NEW: BANano .b4xlib libraries

The big change is the introduction of being able to make and use BANano libraries in the .b4xlib format.
This has a couple of profound advantages over normal .jar libraries for BANano:

a. Because the libraries are compiled at the same time as the app, BANano can remove classes that are not used in the app. This works best for libraries that use Custom Views.

E.g. suppose you made a big library with a lot of components like DatePickers, Grids, etc. If you don't use a certain component, then that code is not included in your final app. This can reduce the size of the generated app considerably.

I think the way BANano generates a build (very modular) is now paying off big time.
But, this really depends on how modular the library builder has written his library.

e.g. if a class is used in a method in a module, but this method is never called in your app, all the classes (and the DependsOnAsset, see 6) will still be included.

b. As all the assets are included in the .b4xlib, you don't have to worry about adding them in your app anymore: they are copied and included automatically. This means less clutter in your Files tab and no more .AddCSSFile or .AddJavascriptFile that are just needed for a library. You just have to worry about the assets you use in your app.

c. No more need to make a library in two steps (BuildAsLibrary + Compile to Library)

As a Library Builder, there is nothing special you have to do, except using:

I've tried it on all the libs and projects I have and it looks like it works, but maybe there are still some problems in it. I had to make a lot of changes to the core of BANano to make this possible, so the chance exists.

In short: TAKE A BACKUP!

2. NEW: The generated .js files are in Build (release) modus a lot smaller (tests showed sometimes 50% smaller)

3. CHANGE: UseServiceWorker is now by default false. You will have to set it to True if you want to use a Service worker.

4. NEW: MinifyOnline now also minifies CSS files

5. NEW: MergeAllCSSFiles and MergeAllJavascript files: will create one CSS and one JS file by mergin them.

6. NEW: DependsOnAsset

When creating e.g. a Custom View, you can set if it Depends on certain CSS, Javascript or other asset files.
For CSS and Javascript, you must still use the AddCSSFile & AddJavascriptFile in AppStart.

7. Because the Transpiler gets more and more options, I created a new object BANano.TranspilerOptions that hosts those options.

The old ones are marked DEPRECIATED (they still work, but will eventually be removed). A warning is shown.

8. NEW options: ShowWarningsDeadCode & RemoveDeadCode

Only works in Build

Shows a warning in the log if the transpiler suspects some code is dead (never used).
This is handy, especially in the final stage of development to remove code (or comment out) that is never used.

Methods with a _ in their name are always considerd to be needed.

You can then use the RemoveDeadCode property to prevent GENERATING dead javascript code.

9. Added the Fetch API: see https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/banano-the-fetch-api.106666/

Download: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...-abstract-designer-support.99740/#post-627764



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Version 1.6:
- I fixed a bug in sgeGroup.Find (children with negative LocalXY values could not be found);
- I fixed a bug in the dependency paths of Tiled maps in sgeAssetManager;
- I added the BoundingBox2 property to actors and groups;
- I added the RotateAroundCenter property to actors and groups;
- I added a parameter to sgeGroup.FindAtPos2 to allow the use of transformed bounding boxes;
- I added the DrawPixel function in sgeGraphics;
- I added the support of JSON format for Tiled maps (format version >= 1.2);
- I added the TiledVersion property in sgeTiledMap;
- I added a basic support of point and text objects in sgeTiledMapObject;
- I added the GetMapDependencies function in sgeAssetManager;
- I modified the Groups and UIElements demo to use the new functions and properties.
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