BANano v4.50
This version introduces the BANanoServer b4xlib library, which makes the B4J connection full circle:
INTRODUCTION B4J has an excellent jetty based server: the jServer library. BANanoServer uses this lib and provides you with a lot of goodies to make building WebApps with B4J very simple. NOTE: This library is in the full BANano library zip file. NOTE: You can still use BANano without the...
The BANanoServer.b4xlib library, source code and demo can be found in the zip in BANano4.50\B4JServerDemo\New System 4.50+\
It add some specific methods to BANano that can only be used when you use this BANanoServer.b4xlib library!
In the B4J IDE there are three new templates classes added :
a. BANanoServer SERVER Class: a template of the server side of a page
b. BANanoServer BROWSER Class: a template of the browser side of a page
c. BANanoServer SHARED Class: a template of a class that can be used both in BANano and B4J.
Use to specify which code is specific for the BANanoServer (B4J) and the BANano Browser part in c.
Making changes a this class in B4J debug mode will NOT have any effect on the BANano side until recompiled!
If you want a specific class/module to be transpiled, use the following on top of your class/module:
#Region BANano
' <-------------- IMPORTANT! This is because we want the non specific B4J code in this module to be transpiled by BANano
#End Region
1. [NEW] a BANano event _ParseEvent(params As Map)
Typically used in a SERVERClass to process an event coming from the browser
' event raised to distribute incoming events coming from the BROWSER
public Sub BANano_ParseEvent(params As Map)
Main.Server.ParseEvent(Me, ws, CacheReport.BANPageID, CacheReport.BANSessionID, params)
End Sub
2. [NEW] a BANano event _Uploaded(status As Int, fileName As String)
Typically used in a SERVERClass to handle an UploadFile
' event raised when a file has been uploaded
public Sub BANano_Uploaded(status As Int, fileName As String)
Log(fileName & " = " & status)
Select Case status
Case 200 ' OK
Case 500 ' was not a POST call
Case 501 ' file to big
Case 502 ' file type not allowed
End Select
End Sub
3. [NEW] BANano.TranspilerOptions.SetStaticFolder() and BANano.StaticFolder (get)
SetStaticFolder has to be used in the AppStart method.
StaticFolder (get) can be used both in B4J as in a BANano class/module.
4. [NEW] BANano.GetPageID
On the Browser side, here you can read the unique page ID (autogenerated)
5. [NEW] UploadFile: Uploads a file from the browser side to the BANanoServer
' uploading a file to our server
Sub SKButton1_Click (event As BANanoEvent)
Dim Response As BANanoObject
' get the file object
Dim theFile As BANanoObject = SKTextBox1.File
If theFile = Null Then
BANano.Alert("Please select a file first!")
End If
' prevent big uploads
If theFile.GetField("size") > 1024 * 1024 * 5 Then
BANano.Alert("File is to big!")
End If
' returns a promise
Dim prom As BANanoPromise = BANano.UploadFile(theFile)
SKLabel1.Text = "Upload status: " & Response.GetField("status").Result
End Sub
6. [NEW] New class BananoCacheReport, which returns more info of the cached page.
typical use is on the SERVER side:
Private Sub WebSocket_Connected (WebSocket1 As WebSocket)
ws = WebSocket1
' Lets update the cache with this class
CacheReport = Main.Server.UpdateFromCache(Me, ws)
Log("PageID: " & CacheReport.BANPageID)
Log("Comes From Cache:" & CacheReport.ComesFromCache)
Log("Is a reconnecting socket: " & CacheReport.IsReconnected)
' We can already send stuff to the browser, using normal B4J jServer code with Future
Dim fut As Future = ws.RunFunctionWithResult("AddInTheBrowser", Array(20, 30))
Log("BROWSER says sum of 20+30=" & fut.Value)
' or if no result is expected back
ws.RunFunction("BROWSERTest", Array("Hello from the SERVER!"))
' IMPORTANT lets tell the browser we are ready to receive call from the browser
' Uses the classic WebSocket_Connected and WebSocket_DisConnected events on the browser size
' Use Main.Server.SendReady(ws, "ws") if you use the advanced events OnOpen, OnMessage, OnServerReady, ...
End Sub
7. [NEW] BANano.B4JCallSubX(Component as Object, Sub as String, Arguments as List)
Similar to CallSub, but with unlimited arguments. Arguments must be passed as an Array.
Can only be used in pure B4J, not in a BANano module!
8. [NEW] BANano.TranspilerOptions.SetSessionMaxInactiveInterval
Sends a heartbeat. Only applicable if a BANanoServer is used.
Should be the same a the BANanoServer.SessionMaxInactiveInterval
9. [NEW] BANanoWebSocket.RunFunctionWithResult
Similar to RunFunction. Returns a BANanoPromise with the result.
10. [NEW] BANanoWebSocket.RunFunction
Runs a B4J function. Pass null to Args if is not needed.
11. [NEW] BANanoWebSocket.IsReconnected
In case of a Reconnecting Websocket, you can check if this was a reconnected session
Used in the BANanoServer library.
In most cases you do not have to use these methods directly but use the BANanoServer methods instead
12. [NEW] BANano.UploadHandlerPath, use BANanoServer.UploadFolder instead
Sets/Gets the folder where Uploads are put
13. [NEW] GetPageHTML. Used internally.
Other changes:
14. [NEW] BANAno.CallBackExtra
Useful where a library you are wrapping needs a function() {} as parameter.
The params are the 'event' params like in the normal CallBack.
The extraParams are extra parameters that the callback method takes, not default to the callback
Sub GetFileFromServer(FileName As String)
Dim Response As BANanoFetchResponse
Dim Blob As BANanoObject
' list (GET is default, and we do not need extra options so we pass Null for the options)
Dim fetch1 As BANanoFetch
fetch1.Initialize(FileName, Null)
' we got the response promise, so resolve it to a blob
' we got the blob, read it in a FileReader
Dim FileReader As BANanoObject
FileReader.Initialize2("FileReader", Null)
Dim event As BANanoEvent
' the CallBackExtra, which next to the normal event, also we like to pass the filename
FileReader.SetField("onload", BANano.CallBackExtra(Me, "ReadData", Array(event), Array(FileName)))
' get the DataURL
FileReader.RunMethod("readAsDataURL", Blob)
fetch1.End ' always end a fetch with this!
End Sub
Sub ReadData(event As BANanoEvent, FileName As String) 'ignore
' get the data
Dim Target As BANanoObject = event.OtherField("target")
Dim DataUrl As String = Target.GetField("result").Result
End Sub
15. [NEW] BANano.GetFileAsDataURL
Does a Fetch with a resource (e.g. url) and an optional Request options object
Pass null if no request options need to be set
Returns a promise holding the DataURL
Dim dataUrl As String
Dim dataUrlProm As BANanoPromise = BANano.GetFileAsDataURL("./assets/B4X.jpg", Null)
16. [NEW] BANano.GetFileAsText
Does a Fetch with a resource (e.g. url) and an optional Request options object
Pass null if no request options need to be set
Returns a promise holding the text
17. [NEW] BANano.GetFileasJSON
Does a Fetch with a resource (e.g. url) and an optional Request options object
Pass null if no request options need to be set
Returns a promise holding the JSON
18. [NEW] BANano.GetFileAsArrayBuffer
Does a Fetch with a resource (e.g. url) and an optional Request options object
Pass null if no request options need to be set
Returns a promise holding the ArrayBuffer
New in BANanoPromise
19. [NEW] Promise.NewStart & promise.NewEnd
Make a new Promise with this signature:
Dim prom as BANanoPromise
Transpiles to:
prom = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
prom.then(function(response) {
}).else(function(response) {
Dim response As String
Dim prom As BANanoPromise 'ignore
Return "Hello " & response & "!" 'ignore
prom.Then(response) 'ignore
Log(response) ' prints: Hello Alain!
20. [NEW] Promise.then now returns a BANanoPromise
21. [NEW] BANano.TranspilerOptions.IgnoreB4JLibrary
A B4J library the BANano Transpiler should ignore.
By default, the following are ignored:
22. [NEW] BANano.TranspilerOptions.SetSessionMaxInactiveInterval
Sends a heartbeat. Only applicable if a BANanoServer is used.
Should be the same a the BANanoServer.SessionMaxInactiveInterval
23. [NEW] New websocket events.
.Initialize will raise the 'normal' B4J WebSocket events
.InitializeExtended will raise the more advanced websocket events
For the usage of the events, see the demo
OnConnecting(event As BANanoEvent)
WebSocket_Disconnected(event As BANanoEvent)
24. Other minor Transpiler fixes and optimisations