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Hi All, jCoverFlow is updated to v1.3.

What's new:

CoverFlow.ShowFromDirectoryChooser("Choose a directory with images") instead PopulateCoverFlow

CoverFlow.ShowFromFolder("C:/Images",".jpg") as requested by Alienhunter. Post #25

CoverFlow.ShowFromFolder2("C:/","Images") as requested by Jurgen_pool. Post #27
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This new version is a major update. All the code supporting OpenGL ES 1.x was removed because the percentage of devices with only this version is now 0.1%. I added the classes for Decal objects so you can put now your 2D objects in 3D space, and added more than 40 functions and properties.
This is probably my last update. The following versions will just fix bugs.

In this version, I:
- removed all the code supporting OpenGL ES 1.x
- fixed a few bugs
- added new classes for decals (2D objects in 3D space): lgDecal, lgDecalBatch, lgCameraGroupStrategy, lgDefaultGroupStrategy, lgSimpleOrthoGroupStrategy
- added an example for decals
- removed the Mesh example as it cannot work with OpenGL 2 without being rewritten
- added the lgScn2DProgressBar class and modified the Scene2D_TextFieldsAndSliders example to show how to use it
- added the IsInitialized function to a dozen of classes
- added these functions:
lgBox2DWheelJoint: isMotorEnabled
lgFontGenerator: CreateFont5, CreateFont6 (for mip maps and filters)
lgMathGeometryUtils: polygonArea, triangleArea
lgMathMatrix3: getScale, getTranslation, setToRotation2, setToRotation3, setToRotationRad, rotateRad
lgMathMatrix4: det3x3, setToRotationRad, setTranslation
lgMathUtils: isEqual, isEqual2, isZero, isZero2
lgMesh: CalculateRadius, CalculateRadius2, CalculateRadiusSquared
lgScn2DDragAndDrop: SetTouchOffset
lgSprite: SetOriginCenter
- added these properties:
lgBox2DJoint: CollideConnected
lgBox2DDistanceJoint, lgBox2DFrictionJoint, lgBox2DRopeJoint, lgBox2DWeldJoint: LocalAnchorA, LocalAnchorB
lgBox2DGearJoint: Joint1, Joint2
lgBox2DPrismaticJoint: LocalAnchorA, LocalAnchorB, MaxMotorForce, ReferenceAngle
lgBox2DWheelJoint: LocalAnchorA, LocalAnchorB, LocalAxisA
lgMathMatrix3: Rotation, RotationRad
lgScn2DActor: isTouchable
lgScn2DScrollPane: ScrollHeight, ScrollWidth, VariableSizeKnobs
lgScn2DWindow: ButtonTable, Resizable, ResizeBorder, TitleWidth
- renamed the functions Translate -> MoveBy, Rotate -> RotateBy and Size -> SizeBy of the lgScn2DActor class
- removed toScreenCoordinates from lgStage and toWindowCoordinates from lgScissorStack
- removed the yDown parameter from ComputePolygon and ComputePolygon2 in the lgMathConvexHull class
- improved a bit the help text of a few functions
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I decided that from April 4 AnimationPlus will be completely free (the donationware will become a freeware and will be posted in the forum). In exchange for your donation, you will receive my version of the NineOldAndroids lib, which offers more possibilities of animation than AnimationPlus. The source code in Java will be included. Past donors will receive a free copy of this library on request.


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Version 1.05 of MLwifi is up. It adds scanning for wireless access points.

--- Jem
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