Notification Builder updated to version 3. Now includes Wear specific classes / methods.
NotificationCustomLayout - New Method
* SetClickEvent
NotificationBuilder Class - New Methods
* Group
* GroupSummary
* LocalOnly
* SortKey
* Extend
NotificationWearExtender (used to extend the notification with Wear device specific methods):
* AddAction
* AddAction2
* AddPage
* ClearActions
* ClearPages
* (Set/Get) Background
* (Set/Get) CustomContentHeight
* (Set/Get) CustomSizePreset
* (Set) ContentAction
* (Set) ContentIcon
* (Set) ContentIconGravity
* (Set) ContentIntentAvailableOffline
* (Set) DisplayIntent
* (Set) Gravity
* (Set) HideIcon
* (Set) ShowBackgroundOnly
* (Set) StartScrollBottom
NotificationRemoteInput (used to create a remote input (voice) action:
* GetRemoteInput
* (set) Choices
* (set) Label
The remote input has been implemented as a separate class as I feel this will also be used in future by platforms such as Auto and Maybe TV. So, doing it this way will avoid duplicating code within the library.
If you haven't got a Wear device, check out my tutorial on
setting up a Wear AVD