Some classes were rewritten for this version to improve the code quality and add new features. You won't see the difference for lgBitmapFont, but lgScn2DWindow and lgPixmapPacker will break your existing code. Sorry for that but this change was necessary for the pixmap packer (which is probably very rarely used in your apps) and replaces ButtonTable+Title of lgScn2DWindow by the more convenient TitleTable+TitleLabel. I also introduced a new function in lgFontGenerator to add borders and shadows to your fonts or disable the kerning.
- I fixed bugs;
- I added the lgFontGeneratorParameters class;
- I added CreateFontWithParam to lgFontGenerator;
- lgFontGenerator can add now a border and a shadow to the generated fonts (via CreateFontWithParam);
- I added Initialize2, LabelAlign and LineAlign to lgScn2DLabel;
- I added SetStateWithoutEvent to lgScn2DButton and lgScn2DTextButton;
- I added TitleLabel and TitleTable to lgScn2DWindow (this deprecates ButtonTable, Title, TitleWidth and TitleAlignment);
- I added getIndex to lgMapLayers and lgMapObjects;
- I added Target to actions of Scene2D;
- I removed Print from lgScn2DGroup (use Log(myGroup) instead);
- lgMapTiledMapImageLayer uses now float values for position;
- lgNinePatch uses now float values for paddings;
- lgPixmapPacker and lgPixmapPackerPage were rewritten (the many changes will break your existing code).