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Some classes were rewritten for this version to improve the code quality and add new features. You won't see the difference for lgBitmapFont, but lgScn2DWindow and lgPixmapPacker will break your existing code. Sorry for that but this change was necessary for the pixmap packer (which is probably very rarely used in your apps) and replaces ButtonTable+Title of lgScn2DWindow by the more convenient TitleTable+TitleLabel. I also introduced a new function in lgFontGenerator to add borders and shadows to your fonts or disable the kerning.

- I fixed bugs;
- I added the lgFontGeneratorParameters class;
- I added CreateFontWithParam to lgFontGenerator;
- lgFontGenerator can add now a border and a shadow to the generated fonts (via CreateFontWithParam);
- I added Initialize2, LabelAlign and LineAlign to lgScn2DLabel;
- I added SetStateWithoutEvent to lgScn2DButton and lgScn2DTextButton;
- I added TitleLabel and TitleTable to lgScn2DWindow (this deprecates ButtonTable, Title, TitleWidth and TitleAlignment);
- I added getIndex to lgMapLayers and lgMapObjects;
- I added Target to actions of Scene2D;
- I removed Print from lgScn2DGroup (use Log(myGroup) instead);
- lgMapTiledMapImageLayer uses now float values for position;
- lgNinePatch uses now float values for paddings;
- lgPixmapPacker and lgPixmapPackerPage were rewritten (the many changes will break your existing code).


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B4x Object Browser has been released, correcting a few right-click command bugs. Apologies!


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1000 MaterialIcons in the Color you need

  mi.Color = Colors.Red
  Dim iconlist As List
  iconlist = mi.Iconlist
  For i = 0 To 249
  Dim idx As Int = Rnd(1,iconlist.Size)
  mi2.Icon = idx
  mi2.Color = Colors.RGB(Rnd(1,255),Rnd(1,255),Rnd(1,255))
  Dim posx As Int = Rnd(0,100%x-50dip)
  Dim posy As Int = Rnd(0,100%y-50dip)




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I finally succeed in solving a bug existing since long that looked like a random bug and was due to a Render cycle run after Dispose or Hide were internally called. Now Render, Dispose and Hide are sync'ed to avoid rendering when disposing and disposing when rendering (the code waits until the current Render cycle is finished or a timeout is triggered).

- I fixed bugs, notably a major bug that crashed sometimes the game in the Render event handler when the current screen is changed;
- I added getColumnWidth and getRowHeight to lgScn2DTable and all classes that inherit from lgScn2DTable;
- I added the defaults function to lgScn2DTableCell;
- TMX files are loaded faster.


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DataCollection v1.0

This library is only available for UltimateListView donors. It wraps the ArrayDeque, PriorityQueue, Stack and TreeSet classes, which are members of the Java Collections framework. These classes can advantageously replace your lists or arrays for specific tasks. A TreeSet, for example, can maintain a sorted list of objects in a more efficient manner than a typical List class. You can also do complex sorting of your data with this class as it allows to implement your own comparison functions.
Last edited:


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Updated "Multipart file Upload with b4a->php".
It is now using the new okHTTP library. Please note that i changed the multipartpost module to be compatible with the okHTTP.

The changed multipartpost is attached


  • MultipartPost.bas
    2 KB · Views: 198
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