After a long and tedious work, I finally managed to interface the P7Zip utility with Java and turned this command line utility into a library (UltimateArchiver) for B4A. The library, written almost entirely in C++, supports most archive formats (7z, rar, zip, iso, tar, gz, cab, etc.), with encryption/decryption and volumes.
I added also UnArchiver7z to ProBundle. It's a small library to uncompress 7z archives (it is a lot smaller than UltimateArchiver, slightly faster and can work directly with the files in the assets folder; you can use it to uncompress the assets of your application after installation).
I renamed ArchiverPlusUnRar to UnArchiverRar and updated the code with the latest changes of WinRar.
I removed Coverflow, that I will release soon for free on this forum, and ErrorDetection, which is now deprecated.
I fixed many bugs affecting the progression returned by ArchiverPlusZip, and added a GetBitmapFromDrawable function to PackageUtils to convert properly the AdaptiveIconDrawable introduced in Android 8.