The client library does the work for you, you don't have to worry about renewing the access token or using and saving it. This is a very simple tutorial on how to use the auth options. A more detailed tutorial...
See the "Update User" and "Recovery Password" section.
Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative. It provides all the backend services you need to build a product. Supabase uses Postgres database with real-time capabilities. Basically, supabase provides an interface to manage postgres database that you can use to create table and insert, edit...
There are some examples of the respective modules.
This needs a little more configuration to work via the link, but the question was how you can change the password via code. And you do that with the "Update User" function, where you can change the password directly.
You can find out how to open your app via a URL in the following thread.:
I thought I'd like to share the results of investigations I have carried out today in the hope that some may find it useful. I have an app that stores data as predominantly text and is potentially sharable between a few close groups of people. Rather than create a server and associated comms...
You have to change the address in the Supabase email so that your domain is in the email and not the localhost, you can do this in the Supabase dashboard under the email templates, you can read more about this in the following links: