Share My Creation Swift Chess: Endgame Puzzles

Hi, Everyone

I just wanted to thank Erel and everyone else here who helped me to get started writing my chess puzzle app. It would have never got off the ground without the support and encouragement of this great community.

The final app is not a B4A/B4I app. I realised that I had bitten off more than I could chew, and was lucky enough to find a developer who liked the idea and took it way beyond what I could have achieved on my own. Now that it is finished I shall be returning to B4A to develop some rather simpler apps of my own.

Many thanks, and good luck achieving your dreams.

John Harbour
Bedford, UK


Licensed User
Longtime User
I am sorry but I dont get why this is posted here, Its not your creation and its not in B4A. Dont take it the wrong way but this shouldn't be in the "Share your creations" forum. I would suggest if you need people to test etc just post in one of the General not B4A specific subs.
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