B4J Question Swing or AWT support in B4J


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B4A doesn't support Swing or AWT because Android doesn't support them.

B4J creates regular Java applications so you can create a Swing or AWT library and use it. There are no plans to add another UI framework.

JavaFX is the only framework that is actively developed by Oracle and is the recommended framework for desktop apps.
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B4J creates regular Java applications so you can create a Swing or AWT library and use it. There are no plans to add another UI framework.

That's interesting - i thought our only option for libraries was JavaFX based libraries.
That means i can create a library based on JMapViewer?

JMapViewer seems better than the JavaFX based MapPane that i'm currently developing, so i'd use JMapViewer instead of MapPane if that's possible.

I'm sure i read that with the latest version of JavaFX you could no longer use Swing/AWT components in a JavaFX application...

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unfortunately it seems extremly complicate to deploy JavaFX on tomcat or Jboss when compared to swing
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Been trying to deploy a B4J small app in a tomcat server..No sucess so far.
teorectly it should be possible.

With netbeans& Javafx and an easy java app (my java is very basic), just with a button, it does work.

However, for some reason, netbeans & swing seems much easier to deploy, just by looking at the generated files.
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