Android Code Snippet TakeTime

A way to calculate the time taken by a part of source code (very simple and rarely useful but... I was tired of writing these lines every time).

Sub TakeTime
   Dim CurrTimeFormat As String = DateTime.TimeFormat
   DateTime.TimeFormat = "mm:ss:SSS"
   Dim Now As Long = DateTime.Now
   Wait for StopTakeTime
   Now = DateTime.Now - Now
   Log("Elapsed time: " & DateTime.Time(Now))
   DateTime.TimeFormat = CurrTimeFormat
End Sub


' here the code to test

CallSub(Me, "StopTakeTime")


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Luca, you forgot to include the StopTakeTime sub.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Totally true. As long as you don't use the code in Activity_Create as I did.


Licensed User
Longtime User
I like the idea that no Global Var is needed to store the previous TimeStamp, I also need something similar sometimes
Couldn't resist playing with it and made a small variation that calls itself and keeps each call timestamp as a reference for the next.

Sub TakeTime(tag As String, isFirstReference As Boolean)
    Dim Now As Long = DateTime.Now
    If isFirstReference Then Log($"Stablishing initial reference time at '${tag}'"$)
    Wait For TakeTime(newTag As String, isFirst As Boolean)      'Waits for itself, pls don't do it in real life
    If Not(isFirst) Then
        Now = DateTime.Now - Now
        Dim CurrTimeFormat As String = DateTime.TimeFormat
        DateTime.TimeFormat = "mm:ss:SSS"
        Log($"Elapsed time between '${tag}' and '${newTag}': ${DateTime.Time(Now)} "$)
        DateTime.TimeFormat = CurrTimeFormat
    End If
    TakeTime(newTag, isFirst) 
End Sub

Sub MeasureElapsedTimeSinceLastCall(tag As String, isFirstReference As Boolean)
    CallSub3(Me, "TakeTime", tag, isFirstReference)
End Sub

Usage example:
Sub MeasureTest
    MeasureElapsedTimeSinceLastCall("Start", True)              ' Useful if we call MeasureTest multiple times, and we only want it as a reference point
                                                                                       ' Log: Stablishing initial reference time at 'Start'
    MeasureElapsedTimeSinceLastCall("Sleep_500", False)     ' Log: Elapsed time between 'Start' and 'Sleep_500' is: 00:00:502
    MeasureElapsedTimeSinceLastCall("Sleep_2000", False)   ' Log: Elapsed time between 'Sleep_500' and 'Sleep_2000' is: 00:02:001
    MeasureElapsedTimeSinceLastCall("Sleep_3000", False)   ' Log: Elapsed time between 'Sleep_2000' and 'Sleep_3000' is: 00:03:001
End Sub


Active Member
Licensed User
Might as well turn it into a class with a "proper" implementation so you don't have to include a true/false param when calling it.
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