@Erel is always creating and developing an amazing development platform and we are using it to create amazing products, so you could say we already partnered together to deliver the best products@sfsameer I found amazing all products that you are releasing. Maybe you could somehow coordinate with @Erel . I only come around the forum when I have some doubts or specific questions about a new development. I have already missed 2 of your products because we got no advice that was on certain price. Maybe you should build a thread with only your products, so people can subscribe to that thread (my 2 cents on the table).
PD: We do control more than 300 Intel ICS computers that feed Airports PAX information systems. This software (cloud) as the display is only on chromium on the ICS was build 11 years ago. On that time we paid a big price for TeamViewer 10 version, and now for our surprise they are discontinuing the product on July (cloud access, only remains with LAN access), which is useless as we give services to the airports, but we do not interfere in their networks
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