TeamViewer alternative : Source code for sale


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@sfsameer just sent to you.. the code ofcourse not clear... it is a lot salty and 3 months old too... so i will have to remember things too.. if you ask me anything :)
Email received, We looked into your code and below are some notes :

1- You are trying to achieve a peer to peer connection which is 100% not TVA technology, the TVA was to built to have a central server that sends/receives multiple connections from multiple clients at the same time (many to many) through web sockets and SQL database, and in your case you are trying to achieve peer to peer connection (one to one) without having MS SQL nor central middle ware server.

2- in many cases your code will fail because you are over using the web sockets for example you are sending too many parameters in a single key stroke (device id, text, iss, isrel, ismwdir, isscroll, etc...) i would recommend sending these commands separately and only when they are needed to be sent.

3- Your solution is a local solution and not a public solution, meaning you can only connect using local connection, and if you want to make it public then you will need to open the ports in the router and firewall, etc.. which is not TVA concept.

There are too many notes tbh, So just make sure to make your code cleaner by using less parameters and less over using the web sockets.

*Regarding the Peer-To-Peer connection, we have already released a project (VNC Alternative) which is based on VNC technology meaning there is no need for a central server or MS SQL Database . The connection will be established by each instance which is really secure and a lot faster, also the Screen capture is 1080p.

Thank you,


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@sfsameer ...don't stay at folder-project name p2pconnect.... ofcourse the project need a server (that every "big" customer run and will give a lot money or a central server will need)...

The idea is to not use databases and "ofcourse" works with multiple users and multiple ends (if target the same server at host.ini)... you can connect at any device from any device (if they are targeting at the same server in host.ini). The deviceid can be a big string encoded

About the 2nd answer - how ? - that is my problem and can;t find a solution may be didn;t understand jNativeHookB4J... :-(

About 3rd is local and public (i can have a vps already configured for this) ... as your project actually... The deviceid can be a big string encoded and with SSL and passwords can be secure /// not compared at this time with your solution - not a ready product (I mean my source code... is not ready)

Did you check Jos module (capture simple rectangle of screen and whole every some frames) and aa project for compressing on fly the images + changing the colors... that will speed all the project.

Thanks for you TIME :)
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i want by source code ,TeamViewer alternative , do you have alipay?


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我能用购买来的代码做什么?基于所购源码开发的app可以在google store发布吗?


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我能用购买来的代码做什么?基于所购源码开发的app可以在google store发布吗?

Upon google translator :

1- You can do what ever you like with the source code.
2- Yes you can upload it to the play store.

Thank you,

Gabriel Loria Salmeron

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Hi Saif.

I bought you eamViewer alternative V1 : Source Code.

Yesterday I received the email with the link to download the project. But the download link is not working.

Could you help me with this issue?

Thank you.

Gabriel Loría Salmerón.


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did any one get this to work with Wamp Server (MySql) ?
Been trying for 2 days now , had to change alot of code for JRDC config file. but stil no success.


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did any one get this to work with Wamp Server (MySql) ?
Been trying for 2 days now , had to change alot of code for JRDC config file. but stil no success.

There are many stored procedures, form Microsoft Sql Server
Have you converted them to MySql ?


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There are many stored procedures, form Microsoft Sql Server
Have you converted them to MySql ?
HOW?? I have asked a few times, but never gotten the answer. I havent had it working at all on
I Have , but still no go .

I too cannot get this working. I cant even get one statement to work. its a real shame as it looks ideal for me...


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HOW?? I have asked a few times, but never gotten the answer. I havent had it working at all on

I too cannot get this working. I cant even get one statement to work. its a real shame as it looks ideal for me...
Yes , the support on this is non existing , even no response to emails.

But if i get one working i will share here.

Alexander Stolte

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Read the following thread to find out why there is hardly any support at the moment.


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got it working , but its full of bugs ..
on the b4xcode website there is script to create the Wamp server database. Do all the steps.
In the Jrdc config file there is EXEC statements . Change them to CALL and remove extra spaces and all string with @ .
Example = CALL Get_ConHistory(?)