Some time ago I published a code snippet for testing for a working Internet connection. A user ( ) recently pointed an error case that I had not encountered and I'd like to republish the resulting updated code snippet.
The missing use case was where the ping started but it returned no packets. (Usually you get an error string)
Sub IsOnline As Boolean
'Requires Phone Library
Dim p As Phone
Dim Response, Error As StringBuilder
'Ping Google DNS - if you can't reach this you are in serious trouble (or in China)!
p.Shell("ping -q -c 1 -W 2",Null,Response,Error)
If Error.ToString="" Then
If Response.ToString.Contains("100% packet loss") Then
Log("Ping ran but no response " & Response.ToString)
Return False
End If
Return True
Return False
End If
Log("Error pinging Google DNS: " & Error.ToString)
Return False
End Try
End Sub
The missing use case was where the ping started but it returned no packets. (Usually you get an error string)