Android Question TextEditor - getting it to work Android 7 and earlier

Dave O

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Can someone tell me why the TextEditor example from Erel doesn't seem to work on Android 7 or earlier? (I'm using GenyMotion emulators at the moment, will also try soon with an old tablet I can dust off.)

When I run the app and try to open a file, I get this log output:
error extracting information from file provider
(RuntimeException) java.lang.RuntimeException: Object should first be initialized (Cursor).
** Activity (main) Resume **
(FileNotFoundException) /storage/emulated/0/Download/Camino.csv (Permission denied)

Works fine on Android 8+.

My app has a function to import CSV files, and it's misbehaving on older Android devices (7.0 and earlier). So I looked for a more modern way of dealing with files (because of all the permission restrictions of more recent Android releases).

I tried the TextEditor example linked above (compiled using B4A 13.00), and found that while it worked fine on Android 8+, it failed on older Android releases. I need something that works on Android 5+.

The only change I made in the TextEditor code was updating the target SDK to 34 to get rid of the warning.

If someone can point me to file-loading code that works on all Android releases back to 5.0, that would be great. Thanks!
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