Android Question The best view for a chat application


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I work on a social networking application , my question is : Which view is best view to handle and show post of users ( like Line or tango applications ) ? Can I use scollview for this part of my app ?

thank you
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Take a look at Douglas' post here
I believe it is for sale and you could use it "as a base" to make your own layout.
Anyway, in his post he's giving some hints which views he has used.
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Take a look at Douglas' post here
I believe it is for sale and you could use it "as a base" to make your own layout.
Anyway, in his post he's giving some hints which views he has used.

I designed some UI for this part of my app by Scollview & MSCardView .... but I don't know how many data ( User's posts ) can I handle ( show ) by scrollview ? for example if show 1000 > postsCount in this view ( scrollview ) is it possible ? ( when user scroll down the scrollview data will load step by step )

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There are no such "Views"...

You need to build your own Layout. Using a customListview may be the best way as you have

For the Avatar you need a Imageview which shows a rounded image and two Label
For the text you need a label
Like and Comment can be Labels too. And the younter are small images (or drawables) and a label.
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There are no such "Views"...

You need to build your own Layout. Using a customListview may be the best way as you have

For the Avatar you need a Imageview which shows a rounded image and two Label
For the text you need a label
Like and Comment can be Labels too. And the younter are small images (or drawables) and a label.

Thank you for your guidance ... but if I use Listview ( as a base for customListview ) will I have following restrictions ?

- Can I load layout of user's post in each item of Listview ?
- Can I change item height for each item of Listview ?

Thank you
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Can I load user post layout in each item of Listview ?
no. Listview does has a relativ fixed layout. one line item, two line items, twolinewithbitmap.
all items of the same type will have the same height.
an I change item height for each item of Listview ?
You can set the height of a twolinesandbitmap item. But the height will be added to ALL twolineandbitmap items.
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So how can I use listview ( as a base for customListview ) for this part of my application ?
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So how can I use listview ( as a base for customListview ) for this part of my application ?
No. Use a CLV instead of a listview.

You can use a Listview if you only want the layout from a Listview. One or Two lines and with bitmap or not. All items of same type will have the same layout/height.

You can not change the layout from item 1 to item 2 and again another layout in item 3 with a listview.
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No. Use a CLV instead of a listview.

You can use a Listview if you only want the layout from a Listview. One or Two lines and with bitmap or not. All items of same type will have the same layout/height.

You can not change the layout from item 1 to item 2 and again another layout in item 3 with a listview.

Thank you Donmanfred
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