I'm creating a objects by calling a class from my Main module. In the class, I start a timer with a 3 second interval. During the timer's Tick sub, I set a flag to destroy this object during an update of the Main module.
The problem is that it is not destroying the object with which the timer is associated. Instead, it is destroying the last object created.
Any help would be appreciated.
Here is the class, truncated:
And, in the Main Module, here is the code that goes through a LIST of objects and if one has the "kill" flag set to TRUE, it is destroyed:
The problem is that it is not destroying the object with which the timer is associated. Instead, it is destroying the last object created.
Any help would be appreciated.
Here is the class, truncated:
'Class module
Sub Class_Globals
Dim bodyMath As lgBox2DBody
Dim mathSprite As lgSprite
Dim UD As imageType
Dim killBody As Boolean = False
Dim lifeTimer As Timer
End Sub
'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize(vTexture As lgSprite, vWidth As Float, vHeight As Float, vPosX As Int, vPosY As Int, vbodyType As String, vReset As Boolean, vAngle As Float, vKill As Boolean)
lifeTimer.Initialize("LifeTimer", 3000)
UD.mathItem = vbodyType
UD.killObj = vKill
lifeTimer.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub lifeTimer_Tick
UD.killObj = True
lifeTimer.Enabled = False
End Sub
And, in the Main Module, here is the code that goes through a LIST of objects and if one has the "kill" flag set to TRUE, it is destroyed:
Dim bodyArray As lgArray
Dim tmpX, tmpY As Float
Dim i As Int
Dim tmpBody As lgBox2DBody
Dim tmpUserD As imageType
For i = 0 To bodyArray.Size - 1
tmpBody = bodyArray.Get(i)
tmpUserD = tmpBody.UserData
If tmpUserD.mathItem <> "bullet" Then
If tmpUserD.mathItem.Contains("math") AND tmpUserD.killObj = True Then
End If
End If
'Destroys the bodies
For i = 0 To lstNuke.Size - 1
Dim b As lgBox2DBody = lstNuke.Get(i)