Touchevent and ScrolView


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in my program i will use the touchevent to move a panel inside a scrolview. But it does not work as I thought. A touchevent is triggered only in a narrow range.
A test with a panel without Scrolview working properly, the event is triggered on the entire screen.



    5.1 KB · Views: 247


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I have a scrolview with added panels. I want to touch a line and move to another position, up or down inside the scrolview.
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Licensed User
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Thanks for the tip, but my intention is to touch and move the row with my finger to use. In the example you use up and down buttons, I do not want so.
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Your must explain your problem more precicely !
What exactly do you want do do ?
The request you expose, as Erel already told you, is impossible like you want it.
In a scrollview the vertical move is used by the scrollview to move the internal panel, so you cant use this event for something else. You could put a transparent Panel over the scrollview to do what you want to do, but you loose the scrollview functionality, so why using a scrollview.
In your example the internal panel height is equal to the scrollview height, is this always the case? If yes scrollview is not the best solution. A panel with internal panels would do it.
So without knowing more details onwhat you want to do it's almost impossible to give you a concrete advice.

Best regards.
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I have a "datatable" (scrollview with panels as rows). My intention is to touch a row and move to a another position inside the table. This works in a panel but not in a scrolview. The reasons i understand, but I am looking for a solutions.
I tried to create a transparent panel over the entire screen. But i don't know how I can pass the touch event to the new panel without a second touch to trigger the touchevent for the new generated panel.
Mean: First touch to generate the panel in foreground and second touch to move the row(i will do all with one touch)

Best regards.
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Well-Known Member
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I am facing a similar issue. I need to track Touch event for ScrollView. I tried putting ScrollView inside Panel but still no good. I have a scrollable set of data to present. I looked up on ListView as well but it also doesn't have Touch event.

Is there any solution to this?
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