translate word




Is there a way to translate a word into another language directly in the program?

I have two labels, one with the word in English, and another where I want the word to be translated into spanish.



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It's not clear to me what you are asking for, but if what you want is a way to translate the words (as opposed to how to show the translations), you can download a list of English-Spanish translations from this web site.

I have a much more complex database and program which translates parts of speech, conjugations, etc. The only problem is that it was written in VB3 (showing my age).
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thanks for the link! that's what I want, i'll try and make sense of that.

I know how to display words, and I have my own lists of words, I just want to translate a word I already have, into spanish.
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...I just want to translate a word I already have, into spanish.

It's hard to comment without knowing exactly what you are trying to do, but most English words have multiple possible meanings, and usually the same word in Spanish cannot be used as a translation of every possible meaning of a particular English word.

That's why there are no really good translation programs. Translating requires a good natural language processing program for each language, and currently there are none for ANY major spoken language.
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Wow, it's not that hard to understand what i want to do, really. vb1992 understood.

I have a word in one label, i press a button, and it's translated in spanish into another label. As, I've said, I can setup the labels, I know how to program the clicking of the button. The only thing I don't understand, is fetching the word from an internet translater like google translate.

I know Spanish and English, translating one word is fine, I said one word not a sentence.
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The TXT File Link from

Would be nice, and not that hard to implement,
and would work without an internet connection.

If you don't want to pay for the api fee

English: Tomorrow
Spanish from text file: man~ana
Spanish from google translate: mañana

Text file lost the "ñ"

Edit: I think the n~ represents "ñ"

I think for $20 USD it's worth testing the google api
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@ vb1992: Thanks for the Google Link, it is useful.

I wrote a simple app: DEAFCOM to help people talk with hearing impaired people. I have had requests to do it with translation built in.

I need to figure out how to create the application with instructions for the users to create their own billing account so that I am not paying for their translations. Anyone figured that out yet?

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