Truth or Myth - free energy generator?


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what's the truth about the information circulating the Internet about free magnetic power generator?
Just Google for free magnetic power.

too good to be true..


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Indeed, to good to be true. Would save a lot of mess in this world...


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If was true, there would be no need to ask the question. Everyone would be using them. I am a EE, so I am biased by my education and 50 years of experience.


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If was true, there would be no need to ask the question.

The need for the question is because this project is still in the research phase, so naturally can not be seen in the market.. so many non-sense ideas are on the net, but some engineers setup their private labs and paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for the research, which means to me it is serious thing.
Would you share with us your views and findings if any, about this project?


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I can't imagine all these engineers, professors and students could be wrong or unable to recognize false claims of a machines the carefully examine.
These people inspecting and examining are inside the labs of Dutch Technical University.


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I see articles/videos going back 4 years on this, if this would be real it would be widely known. Else it would be surpressed by electric suppliers just like the oil companies are doing with electric cars.
Anyhow, I believe it's a widely used hoax to sell books or instructions how to build the thing.


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Stupid thing is that most of the time, reactions are disabled to these kind of videos. This gives me the idea there is something to hide else why would you not give people the oppertunity to react?


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Bit of additional research:

Basically if you generate energy with energy, you will always loose energy due to friction, heat, motion making it impossible to output more energy than was put in.


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I am not seeing the video, but the people inside it.. this is not a hobbyist who spent a few dollars and did some tricks just for showing.. this is an old man who wouldn't care about showing.. the audience are all scientists, college professors in technical college, not medicine or biology.. so many student who's job is discover the least mistake or error. the speaker said two physicists from Germany have built a similar machine..
So what can you say about this?
One may pay a hundred dollars, two hundred dollars just for showing and to hear wow for a few days until his tricks and scams are discovered by specialists, but no one can devote his time and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, setup a high security lab that you would need to enter through finger print and password doors, then inside is world class research lab just for this project.
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" Basically if you generate energy with energy, you will always loose energy due to friction, heat, motion making it impossible to output more energy than was put in."

you are talking about physics and theories of thermodynamics that we know.. but I have a fact in front of me
with high profile witnesses, like physicists and ee engineers and students.


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so the video, it's the Technical University in Delft, Netherlands. I'm Dutch and understood from the dutch ppl in the video that they are still sceptic about what they are seeing, Mr Yildiz is not giving sufficient information on how it works. The demonstration was 4 years ago, in the mean time there where more demonstrations planned where the machine would run for weeks. These have been cancelled... why?

I'm no scientist so offcourse I can not guarantee that what we saw is real or not, if it works or not.

So, to my opinion it can go 2 ways:
Either it's true and he will still face huge issues getting something like this on the market as it will not be 'allowed'to go on the market by the big industrials
Or it's false and we have a hoax which has gone out of porportion.

I hope it's true, but my guess it's false.


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I have the same.. but I can't see any reason for this old guy to lie before important people and gamble with his name. If you see the machine you can recognize that so many dedicated parts were made.. means opening an injection mold for each one, which is very expensive.. but why? just to feel good when see people say wow?
The people said it is not fully disclosed, but none of them said there is a hidden battery or something like that.. they know it is running without fuel. If it ran for half an hour then the proof of principle is done, because 30 minutes are enough for the least amount of friction or air resistance to cause the motion to die.
I agree with you the operation principle was not disclosed.


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Before he "reveals" the worldwide conspiration against free energy (probably aliens that do not want too much competition), the same guy announced the death of all electronic devices for 2012:
My computer is still alive in 2014 ! Thanks God ?
Ok, I'm joking but the guy was partially right. A massive solar eruption really happened in 2012 but, fortunately, it was not directed towards Earth (one week earlier and we'd have been hit). If another one happens and take the bad direction, we will have to say goodbye to our electronic devices (and that will be the slightest of our problems at this moment). Who has heard about this before? I mean : not as something theoretical that could happen in a far future, but as something that the scientists expect in the years to come. The NASA communicated about the massive eruption of 2012 only in... 2014. Thanks guys. I feel safe with you . Finally, this website learned me something interesting (and of course the NASA and Wikipedia websites to verify).
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Thanks and I was hoping that we discussed the points in #13.
I am not pro or agaist.. just that there is something serious that someone would spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and I can't dismiss him withiut listening to him with open mind.. remember when E=mc2 repealed the law of conservation of matter, when matter seased to exist (as matter) and transformed to completely new concept with different prooerties.


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In Africa there is a saying:
If you follow the hen it will lead you to the trash container.
people will always talk we can't shut their mouth.. so I think the best thing is to ignore them and concentrate on the subject matter.
A wisdom from the Juha stories:
Juha and his son riding on his donkey, passing by some people.. the people said: look at those, they have no mercy for the poor donkey.. then they stepped down and walked. passed by another people.. they said: look at those stupid guys, they have a donkey but they are walking and guiding the donkey.. the Juha rides the donkey and let his son walk.. the people again: look at that man who has no mercy for the young boy! The boy rides and Juha walks.. still the people say: look at that selfish young boy, he enjoys riding leaving his old father walking..

So you are right, there is a lot of talk about this.. some people talk about conspiracies and warring.. others (rightfully) talking about the internet filled with scam projects and selling plans of the project that will never work.
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Instead of buying a questionable book about free energy, consider studying Maxwell's Equations and Lorentz Force Law. The subjects are old, but hold true today.


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Hi KitCarlson, and thanks for the advice.
Nothing should slip away from the research table, specially if it is questionable.
If some engineer (by qualification) paid hundred of thousands of dollars and setup world-class laboratory, then he deserved my attention
and I at least, should listen to what he is saying.


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If some engineer (by qualification) paid hundred of thousands of dollars and setup world-class laboratory, then he deserved my attention
and I at least, should listen to what he is saying.
This logic is flawed in my opinion. How much he paid shouldnt be a qualification to be listened to.
Only if what he says makes logical sense, or is even close to your heart, he is worth listening to, not because he spent a lot of money on something that HE believes in.
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