Two activities & layouts visible simultaneously


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I got an idea of playing with two activities: the first one shows ads and the second one is the actual application.

Is it possible to show two activities simultaneously on the screen? Say, ad mob-activity at top and the application at the bottom. Or what would be the easiest way to achieve this?

Best wishes!


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Hi Kapslok
I'm pretty new to this too so my answer could be slightly off. Android can only display one active activity at a time. One way you could achieve your goal would be to have a activity with 2 panels. One showing the Ad mob, other for the app. This would keep them seperate, but both would be active at the same time.
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Longtime User
You can use one single activity view, and in it have x number of views(controls) and a Panel for admob, remember that admob has some specifications for the sizing...You can check out my Pairs4Android avaiable in the market, in wich I use admob...
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Longtime User
thanks barx and cableguy!

I suspect you're right, only one activity can be on the display once. Some weeks ago I got the admob working right, but unfortunately it took the keyboard focus. Result was that once I pushed a key in order to play the game, I triggered the admob. This would be good for my admob business, but would drive users crazy... ;)

Then Erel gave some advice of setting the focus correctly and that >>nearly<< worked. Idea was to have two views. The first one is the adview and the second is the game. Problem was not quite solved. I got impression that the setting the focus of input is a wee bit tricky.

It would be ok, if only the tap on the adview would trigger the admob. This I haven't achieved yet... Well, back to drawing board, thanks for replies!

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