Two new buttons for the IDE Toolbar!


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Hi Erel!

Here is something I wish for everytime I use the B4A IDE. Instead of accessing the connection for the B4A Bridge program through a drop down Menu why not just put a "connect bridge" and "disconnect bridge" button right on the Toolbar. Probably a no brainer for the next release. Since I (and others) use this feature constantly, why not just put the options right out in the open?



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Longtime User
OK maybe the Disconnect button isn't needed but how about "run AVD Manager" and "restart ADB Server" I guess most of the items in the Tools menu would be handy to have on the toolbar or make the toolbar configurable by the user as most browsers like Firefox allow. That way the user could set up his or her preferences. . Just drag the desired feature icon to the toolbar to set it up.

I realize you have enough to do in maintaining this fine development environment so these are not a high priority just wish list items. Keep up the good work! I like the environment and hardly every have to consult the documentation because it is so intuitive. I like the quick support by the Community. Most if not all questions are answered within 24 hours- some sooner. You just can't get that type of support with large software companies like Microsoft and others.

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