' This is a URL you make and add to you FACEBOOK APP
' Dim RedirectUri As String : RedirectUri="http://xxx/"
Dim RedirectUri As String : RedirectUri="http://www.grafsoft.at/A-Tag/"
Stupid me, I do not understand What this RedirectUri should do.
I get an error message "The settings do not allow the URL. It has to be the same as the Website URL or the Canvas-URL or the domain must be sub-domain of an APP-Domain."
Do I have to crate a facebook-page for this? I want the Photo to be posted to the history of the user.
That URL is used to verify your app is legit, you have to enter the url to your website (if you have one) if not, then you could enter http://www.google.com for example.
It will be almost impossible to always be "up-to-date" with Facebook, they change things all the time without notice, wait a few days and you will see that your developer screen will look different, a royal pain in the you know what.
App domains:
"This must be dreived from canvas-url, unit binary url, site url, mobile site url, page tab url or secure page tab url."
Sorry, I have not got (or read) the email with your reply.
I just did, it was accepted, but in "Basic" still the same error. I tried to run the app, at "login" it said "Please verify you have Internet access". I know that I have.
That error "Please verify you have Internet access" means you have either a bad URL or perhaps the site you used is down, by the way, the URL you typed must be EXACTLY the same on Facebook and on your app, if you entered for example http://www.mysite.com the "mywebsite" variable on the app must be the same, e.g.
Private myWebsite As String = "http://www.mysite.com"
The website is up and running. I used copy and paste and the website name is exactly the same. I tried with and without trailing slashes. http://www.grafsoft.at/.
I have other websites too, should I try them? But they will always point to the same server.
By FB side I mean your configuration, have you read the documentation I included with the library?, also, make sure you have the latest version, I issued a couple of updates a little while ago.