
Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi All,

I'm not too long using B4A but I must congratulate Erel & others for their fantastic work, B4A is the best I've seen in long long time, well done!

To my question:
I have a USB based weather station of type WH1081PC that normally connects to a pc via usb & sends data regularly up to I want to write my own app to use on a small android media player to do the same without the hassles of trying to keep a windows pc running. I'm currently testing software on a Arnova 10bG3 running ICS 4.0.3 & have got it to send data to wundergound using the HTTP libs. The next stage is to get the weather station to talk to the Arnova using the usb port, I have a descriptor listing all data of the wh1081 usb requirements, I have a list of the commands to the wh1081 & the responses & meanings etc. The wh1081 is a HID device & needs to be polled to receive data back, does anybody have any sample programs or snippets of code to interface a HID type device to B4A? I'm not sure if this is even possible from some of the responses I see in other threads, can somebody please clarify if this is possible.


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