B4J Question Using b4j8.3 with openJDK , and the JRDC2 Program to connect to sql database.


Licensed User

With B4j8.1 with Java8 , the *.jar file of the jrdc2 program, execute fine , but with with B4j8.3 with OpenJDK sends me the following message :

ERROR: A JNI error has ocurred, please check your installation and try again.

Any idea of the problem ?????

thanks in advanced.


Licensed User
Longtime User
most likely your jars are incompatible with Jdk 11, you should update them to the latest versions and verify compatibility.

Without further information, I am just guessing
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Licensed User
Longtime User
What database driver are you using? Make sure it is compatible with the version of Java you are using with B4J. OpenJDK is vague. What version?
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