At the time of writing, MiniORMUtils is version 1.14 and Web API Server v3 is version 3.00.
MiniORMUtils support SQLite and MySQL databases.
We don't need to write different SQL queries to work with SQLite and later migrate to MySQL.
How to Use MiniORMUtils
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At the time of writing, MiniORMUtils is version 1.14 and Web API Server v3 is version 3.00.
MiniORMUtils support SQLite and MySQL databases.
We don't need to write different SQL queries to work with SQLite and later migrate to MySQL.
How to Use MiniORMUtils
- When we run Web API Server 3 for the first time, a new SQLite database is created by default.
- The creation of database is achieved using CreateDatabase sub in Main module.
- The project checks whether a database is already existed every time the server is started through CreateConnection sub.
- Before we call this sub, the project needs to load configurations from config.ini file through InitDatabase sub.
B4X:Private Sub InitDatabase cnn.Initialize cnn.DBDir = ctx.GetDefault("DbDir", "") cnn.DBFile = ctx.GetDefault("DbFile", "") cnn.DBType = ctx.GetDefault("DbType", "") ... End Sub
- No modification is needed on this sub. The correct way to modify the values is through editing the config.ini file.
- Let's take a look at CreateConnection sub.
B4X:Private Sub CreateConnection Try Log("Checking database...") #If MySQL Dim DBType As String = "MySQL" #Else Dim DBType As String = "SQLite" #End If If cnn.DBType.EqualsIgnoreCase(DBType) = False Then ShowBuildConfigurationNotMatch(cnn.DBType) Return End If DBConnector.Initialize(cnn) ... End Sub
- The selection of DBType is determined by Build Configurations.
The "Default" build configuration is selected means the project will utilize SQLite as database.
To use MySQL, select MySQL from the dropdown list.
- If the selected DBType in Build Configuration does not match the configurations in config.ini, an error message will show and the server will be terminated.
- If the configuration is matched, the project proceeds to initialize the DBConnector object.
- Depending on DBType, the project uses DBExist or DBExist2 sub for checking the database is existed.
B4X:#If MySQL Wait For (DBConnector.DBExist2) Complete (DBFound As Boolean) #Else Dim DBFound As Boolean = DBConnector.DBExist #End If
- If the return value for DBFound is True, a message log will be showed.
B4X:If DBFound Then LogColor($"${cnn.DBType} database found!"$, COLOR_BLUE) Else LogColor($"${cnn.DBType} database not found!"$, COLOR_RED) CreateDatabase End If
DBFound = False
- Depending on DBType, we call DBCreate for creating a new database.
B4X:Private Sub CreateDatabase Log("Creating database...") Select cnn.DBType.ToUpperCase Case "MYSQL" Wait For (DBConnector.DBCreateMySQL) Complete (Success As Boolean) Case "SQLITE" Wait For (DBConnector.DBCreateSQLite) Complete (Success As Boolean) End Select
- The database will be created. If it is failed then the sub will be exited.
- To use MiniORMUtils, we must first initialize it.
We need to pass 2 parameters to the Initialize method.
B4X:Dim MDB As MiniORM MDB.Initialize(DBOpen, DBEngine)
- If you want to add timestamps fields in your tables, we can set UseTimestamps to True.
B4X:MDB.UseTimestamps = True
If you don't need these columns, omit this line of code.
This setting can be set to True or False between creation of tables. - We will use a batch to execute the queries. Hence we will add every CREATE table query to a batch and execute them by batch.
This is set using the following code:
B4X:MDB.AddAfterCreate = True
- We also want to add some dummy data to the table.
We need to set the INSERT query as batch.
B4X:MDB.AddAfterInsert = True
- We tell MiniORM the table name we want to create.
B4X:MDB.Table = "tbl_categories"
- We can add each column by passing an ORMColumn to the Columns list of the MiniORM.
B4X:MDB.Columns.Add( <ORMColumn> )
- We can use CreateORMColumn2 method to create ORMColumn by passing a Map.
B4X:MDB.CreateORMColumn2( <Map> )
- The Map must contains at least a keyvalue pair with the key "Name".
B4X:CreateMap("Name": "category_name")
- The complete code to add a table column for table tbl_categories with the name "category_name" is per the following:
B4X:MDB.Columns.Add(MDB.CreateORMColumn2(CreateMap("Name": "category_name")))
In MySQL, it will add a column of the type VARCHAR for category_name with length 255. - Then we call Create method to tell MiniORM to generate a CREATE query.
- We can proceed to use MiniORM to add row to the table.
- Since we have specified the table name before, we don't need to specify the table name again.
- We just need to specify the column name as array to pass to the Columns property.
B4X:MDB.Columns = Array("category_name")
- Then we can add the value using the method Insert2.
B4X:MDB.Insert2(Array("Hardwares")) MDB.Insert2(Array("Toys"))
- Previously we have add CREATE and INSERT queries to the MiniORM object using methods such as Create and Insert2.
- To execute all the queries, we use ExecuteBatch method.
B4X:Wait For (MDB.ExecuteBatch) Complete (Success As Boolean) If Success Then LogColor("Database is created successfully!", COLOR_BLUE) Else LogColor("Database creation failed!", COLOR_RED) End If
- We will see a log message showing the execution success or failed.
- Finally, we close the database connection using the Close method.
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