public static String composeHangul(String source) {
int len = source.length();
if (len == 0) return "";
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
char last = source.charAt(0); // copy first char
for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
char ch = source.charAt(i);
// 1. check to see if two current characters are L and V
int LIndex = last - LBase;
if (0 <= LIndex && LIndex < LCount) {
int VIndex = ch - VBase;
if (0 <= VIndex && VIndex < VCount) {
// make syllable of form LV
last = (char)(SBase + (LIndex * VCount + VIndex) * TCount);
result.setCharAt(result.length()-1, last); // reset last
continue; // discard ch
// 2. check to see if two current characters are LV and T
int SIndex = last - SBase;
if (0 <= SIndex && SIndex < SCount && (SIndex % TCount) == 0) {
int TIndex = ch - TBase;
if (0 <= TIndex && TIndex <= TCount) {
// make syllable of form LVT
last += TIndex;
result.setCharAt(result.length()-1, last); // reset last
continue; // discard ch
// if neither case was true, just add the character
last = ch;
return result.toString();