Hi everyone, not sure if I will be able to make sense when asking the following question.
I am working on an ABMaterial web app and I am using a firestore AuthRest API library to register new users, sign in existing users etc. When a new user creates a new account, I am using the sendEmailVerification method of that rest api, which basically sends an email to the user with an oobCode which needs to be verified.
What i'm trying to figure out is the following:
Let's say the user is creating a new account on their desktop web browser and they receive the email and open it from their mobile devices and they decide
to verify directly from the mobile device by cllicking on the link similar to the one below:
If the user clilcks on that link from his/her mobile phone, how can I consume the verified function on the desktop web browser?
Is this even possible? if so how can I catch this and send a parameter to the session on the desktop browser to go back to the login screen once the verifyEmail function has been performed?
Not sure if this makes sense, has anyone dealt with anything like this before?
I am working on an ABMaterial web app and I am using a firestore AuthRest API library to register new users, sign in existing users etc. When a new user creates a new account, I am using the sendEmailVerification method of that rest api, which basically sends an email to the user with an oobCode which needs to be verified.
What i'm trying to figure out is the following:
Let's say the user is creating a new account on their desktop web browser and they receive the email and open it from their mobile devices and they decide
to verify directly from the mobile device by cllicking on the link similar to the one below:
If the user clilcks on that link from his/her mobile phone, how can I consume the verified function on the desktop web browser?
Is this even possible? if so how can I catch this and send a parameter to the session on the desktop browser to go back to the login screen once the verifyEmail function has been performed?
Not sure if this makes sense, has anyone dealt with anything like this before?