Version info


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Longtime User
Hello all,
I know this might be a dumb question, but in the IDE, under Project/Application Version, what should I put in there? The first field says Version code(integer), which I assume to mean no decimals, and the second field says Version String. I'm sorry if this has been asked and answered, I searched aroound but couldn't find anything.

ok, I think I understand it now. The first field is just a number that I would increment for each build, and the string would be like a decimal version. So, I would start at 1 and enter 1.0.0 as the string, and then if I make some changes and recomplie, I would first change the version code to 2, and the string to say 1.0.1 .
In the Market, it is that version code that forces update, correct?
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For your own apps version you would have to add it yourself as the app won't have a version number until you set it in the ide before compiling so as far as I know the only way would be decide on a version number and just change it manually with each new release.

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Longtime User
I set it in the program but I would think there would be a way of retrieving it so it could be used later.

If not, I can hardcode the version, just need to make sure I update it every time I update it in the Project, Application Version.

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