Android Question Video rewards in Android apps


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I have in plan to add video rewards in my app. So I would like to hear your opinion about it. I have few questions related to it:

1. Is it a good choice? Is it profitable enough if you have a decent amount of users?

2. Which network should I choose? I would like to hear your experience about it.

3. Is there any step by step guide about how to implement it in the app?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Licensed User
I have read that procedure already, and from what can I see there is only a library for InMobi network. Are there any libraries for other networks like Vungle or Unity let we say? I didn't manage to find any.
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Licensed User
Thank you Erel. Since google supports rewarded videos, I made a test with the following "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/5224354917" google admob's test rewarded video - everything is fine. I even tested twice with a real rewarded video - that was okay as well, I received a rewarded video from google. But now I have another question:

1. I implemented Vungle and Unity ads (at least I think i did it). I added their sdks (jars and adapters, and called all the additional libraries they have) plus added some code in the manifest editor for Vungle (not needed for Unity). I added them in the google admob via mediation. So now, I have no idea how to test if their rewarded videos are ok? I do not want to keep testing with real rewarded videos (do not want to get banned), but I can't find a way to receive Vungle or Unity rewarded video. Google admob video is what I always get.

2. I would like to add a counter that will show how much time has left until the next rewarded video. I have capped it to 1 video per hour, which means it allows one video per hour for every user. So what is confusing me is the part about the user. What kind of user? Google playstore account? Phone? IP? I didn't manage to find that info. I would like to know this because of multi accounting.

3. Is the proper way to calculate the time left until the next rewarded video by saving the time of getting the last rewarded video in the database and counting the difference until now or it can be done by any other authentication?
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Longtime User
post 1:

2. I doubt it. if they skip the video you don't get anything at all. Also some videos just take way too long 30+ seconds. If they don't click you probably don't get anything either for some providers as they only reward on installs.

post above:

1. you can play with manual eCPM values to force the other ones to display but this might take some hours before it works and if there are ads there for your region.

2+3. you can set it in the google admob console that they only appear maximum 1 time every 60 minutes
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Licensed User
Thank you for your answer. Sorry if I wasn't clear enough.

1. I will have to test with real rewarded videos to get a Vungle or Unity video. Isn't it too dangerous? Google strongly recommends to use only test ads. By testing with "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/5224354917" I will get the only google test rewarded video. Also, which eCPM value have higher priority, the lower or the higher one? Example if I set 10$ for Vungle and 20$ for Unity, which ads should appear most?

2. What kind of user is related to rewarded videos? I am pretty much sure the account in the app doesn't have anything to do with it, but its google playstore user, or maybe the phone?

3. It is already set in the google admob console. I like to add that counter in the app. You click the rewarded video, you get rewarded, all good. After that counter appears, counting the minutes left until the next rewarded video to let the player know. Does it have to be done in correlation with the database by saving the time of the last successfully watched rewarded video or there is another option?
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Longtime User
1. if you set admob ads to manual and 0.01 and Vungle to $9.99 it will give priority to Vungle first. if there's nothing to fetch it will fall back to admob ads.
some provider list it somewhere so you'll see where it comes from.

2. none. if's just a call to pull an ad. I guess it knows by device settings and IP addresses which region the user is in to select the right ads.

3. there are some events that you can abuse to (re)start your timer. or you do it right before you display the ad.
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Licensed User
1. Clear. So I guess there is no way to test Google admob mediatiion Vungle and Unity ads via test mode. It can be seen only by real ads.

2+3. This is the scenario: One user plays with account A. It gets the reward and should wait another hour to watch the video again. In 15 minutes, the same player switches to account B. I guess the player will have to wait another 45 minutes to click the video again because google follows the device, or IP or whatever. So how will it fetch the time left for the next video for account B? This is why I want to know this info. If ads follow the Phone, then I should read it and store it. Note: Accounts are not related to google.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
1. some providers have their own test mode that you can enable to pull test ads

2. I never tried that. How many people use different accounts on their device?
they throw cheap phones and tablets to your head these days so I guess most users have their own device.
how would you deal with scoring or other things if you would have a multi user case?
if you let them identify themselves you could play with personalised timers ofcourse.
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Licensed User
1. Yes, just that's mostly if you go directly, without mediation. This way I will have to call a real ad, so there is a chance that test ad by Vungle or Unity could be received. Otherwise I will get a real ad from Google Admob, which is bad for now.

2. One account or more, it doesn't matter here. I have dealt with everything like scoring and all other things even if one user has more than one account. One thing I can thought of is the one I said - Username, the attribute that google ads follow (phone, ip or whatever) and time difference. Btw, what if I read the device? That's not okay I think. User can login on another device and click the video again if google follows the device. IP also, what if two players on two difference devices share the same ip? They both should be able to click the video on each account/phone. Maybe google follows several attributes, not only one.
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Licensed User
It looks like Vungle is not set as it should be by my side.

I was following these tutorials:

Tutorial 1:

Step 1. Set Up Vungle as an Ad Network --> I set up the Vungle network, and made a relation to google admob. Everything is fine.

Step 2. Integrate the Vungle Adapter and SDK --> I downloaded the Vungle Adapter (.aar), took only the .jar file from it and placed it in the additional libraries folder. I guess that's the right way to do it.

SDK part

Tutorial 2:

Step 1. Include the Vungle SDK in Your Project

I followed Option 2. Downloading the Vungle SDK and Including it in Your App

Is placing the jars in the additional libraries folder and calling them from the app everything I should do in Step 1? Also, app is not able to compile because of okhttp-3.6.0 jar file. Is it maybe because I have already added OkHttp and OkHttpUtils2 libraries in my project?

Step 2. Update AndroidManifest.xml

What is the correct code I should add there? I need only code related to the rewarded videos.

Step 3 - Step 5

Do I have to do anything about it?

And for the last, again Tutorial 1:

Step 3. Pass a Placement Reference ID to the Adapter

Is it enough to set the placement reference ID in google admob or any additional code is needed to be implemented in the app?
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