B4A Library ViewTagger v1.0.1

This library allows you to put labels on the top left or top right edge of an view.

It is a wrapper for this Github-Project.

  • ViewTagger
    • onClick (value As Object)
    • AddToView (text As String, backgroundColor As Int, textColor As Int, targetView As View, distance As Int, positionLeft As Boolean)
      AddToView will add a Banner to this view.
      This methods creates a NEW Banner setup with
      the given parameters here.

      This is the default Method you should use.
      If you want to be more precise in the definition of
      the banner you should look at the other methods

      text: The Text to use on the Banner
      backgroundColor sets the color for the background.
      textColor sets the TextColor
      tagetView: The view the Banner should applied to
      distance: The distance from the upper left/right corner for the Banner
      positionLeft: Can be true or false. When set to true the banner will
      be placed in the upper LEFT corner. When set to false the Banner is
      placed in the upper RIGHT corner. Only this two positions are available!
    • AddToView2 (targetView As View, distance As Int, positionLeft As Boolean)
      AddToView2 will add the customized Banner to a view.
      tagetView: The view the Banner should applied to
      distance: The distance from the upper left/right corner for the Banner
      positionLeft: Can be true or false. When set to true the banner will
      be placed in the upper LEFT corner. When set to false the Banner is
      placed in the upper RIGHT corner. Only this two positions are available!
    • Initialize (EventName As String, pkg As String)
      Initialize the ViewTagger
    • NewBanner
      Creates a new Banner reference
      You can use any method except AddToView (which will always generate a
      new Banner setup with the given parameters) to customize the banner
      before you add it to a view with AddtoView2
    • setPadding (left As Int, top As Int, right As Int, bottom As Int)
      Set the Banners padding
    • BackgroundColor As Int [write only]
      Set the background color for the banner
    • Tag As Object [write only]
      Set the tag for this Banner. The tag is used in onClick Event
      to inform you
    • Text As String [write only]
      Set the text for the banner
    • TextColor As Int [write only]
      Set the text color for the banner
    • TextSize As Float [write only]
      Set the Textsize to use for this banner
    • Typeface As Typeface [write only]
      Set the Typeface to use for this banner

    ' Button
    vt.AddToView("Left",Colors.Red, Colors.White,Button1,20,True)
    vt.AddToView("Right",Colors.White, Colors.Black,Button1,20,False)

    ' Imageview
    vt.AddToView("Featuring",Colors.Blue, Colors.White,ImageView1,20,False)

    ' Label
    vt.AddToView("HOT",Colors.Red, Colors.White,Label1,5,True)

    ' Toggle
    vt.AddToView("HOT",Colors.Red, Colors.White,ToggleButton1,20,False)

    ' Spinner
    vt.AddToView("NEW",Colors.Red, Colors.White,Spinner1,20,False)

    ' EditText
    vt.AddToView("42",Colors.Red, Colors.White,EditText1,20,False)

    ' ListView
    ListView1.AddSingleLine("Item 1")
    ListView1.AddSingleLine("Item 2")
    vt.AddToView("100",Colors.Red, Colors.White,ListView1,20,False)

    ' ProgressBar
    ProgressBar1.Indeterminate = False
    ProgressBar1.Progress = 50
    vt.AddToView("Yo!",Colors.Red, Colors.White,ProgressBar1,20,False)


  • ViewTaggerEx.zip
    32.2 KB · Views: 601
  • ViewTaggerLibraryfilesv1.0.1.zip
    5.7 KB · Views: 553
  • ViewTaggerEx_1.0.5.zip
    41.9 KB · Views: 676
  • ViewTaggerLibraryfilesv1.0.5.zip
    7.9 KB · Views: 696
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Elephone P6000 with Android 5.0. What for a Android.jar version must i have?