B4R Question VirtualWire lib ?


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Longtime User
I have these modules and would like to use them between Arduino (transmitter) and Rpi (receiver).
Is it possible to make a library for B4R and B4j ? (Arduino library is there).

Thinking about it - it must be very similar to rSoftwareSerial library which use two pins as tx and rx, while the rf modules need one pin ech because it works in one direction only.

Edit: with this answer from Erel https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...th-rsoftwareserial-library.65779/#post-417502 I guess it will not work with the Rpi but I can still use it between two arduinos.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Why not use a HC05 (master on PI?) and a HC06 on the Rduino? (Bluetooth modules)
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I have checked with two arduinos and two arduino libraries (virtualwiring and radiohead), in both the communication is very noisy hence data is received only sometimes...
I get off these, I'll wait for ethernet shield.
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