Warnings in 2.70


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Sorry for the dumb question, but I cannot seem to get rid of the warnings in 2.70...
I added
#IgnoreWarnings: 10, 12
as described but I must be doing something wrong...
Could someone assist me please?


Well-Known Member
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Hi padvou,
The command should be in the reion of Project Attributes ,and 10,12 are in the list of warnings. see this Please to donwload Klaus's guide.
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Active Member
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Longtime User
Hi padvou,
The command should be in the reion of Project Attributes ,and 10,12 are in the list of warnings. see this Please to donwload Klaus's guide.

That did the trick. But didn't work smoothly for projects that came from previous versions. There was no
#Region  Project Attributes
There was only
Region Module Attributes
Thank you
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