Sorry. Scrollbars are automatically shown if necessary and no zoom is available.Any chance to include either scrollbars, or zoom fuction, or even both?
Sorry. Scrollbars are automatically shown if necessary and no zoom is available.Any chance to include either scrollbars, or zoom fuction, or even both?
Sorry. Scrollbars are automatically shown if necessary
too bad...and no zoom is available.
I've just tried. On both my desktop and device they appear when a web page is larger than the window.sorry I dont see them anywere
I've just done the same. I get horizontal and vertical scrollbars on that page on both device and desktopmy project is the simpliest....
a form, a webBroser and a textbox...
it does show the website but not the scrollbars...
Is that my library you are using? Have you renamed it for some reasonMine is WebBrowser.dll, your component is called Browser.dll which you didn't include in the zip. If I replace browser.dll with WebBrowser.dll then I get the same as you. The problem is that your WebBrowser window is bigger than the form so you can't see the scrollbars because they are outside the client area of the form. Try Browser.New1("Main",200,10,380,280)
Sub Globals
'Declare the global variables here.
End Sub
Sub App_Start
End Sub
Sub Button1_Click
web.url = Textbox1.Text 'either Navigate or assigning to Url will load the web page
End Sub
Sub GetFile(file)
If FileExist (file) = true Then
FileOpen (c1,file,cRead ,, cASCII)
HtmStr = "<html><head><meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8>"
HtmStr = HtmStr & "<title>homepage</title>"
HtmStr = HtmStr & "<link rel=stylesheet href=file:///C:\Users\Tony\Documents\WM_Wiki_Pages\Locks\wikistyle.css Type=text/css>"
HtmStr = HtmStr & "</head><body>"
line = FileRead (c1)
Do Until line = EOF
If line <> EOF Then
If SubString(line, 0, 1) = "[" Then
If SubString(line,1,1) = "^" Then
' do nothing
HtmStr = HtmStr & "Insert page here" & crlf
HtmStr = HtmStr & "<p><a class=" & Chr(34) & "internal" & Chr(34) & " href=" & Chr(34)
HtmStr = HtmStr & SubString(line,1, StrLength(line)-2) & ".txt" & Chr(34) & ">" & SubString(line,1, StrLength(line)-2)
HtmStr = HtmStr & " </a> </p>" & crlf
End If
End If
If SubString(line, 0, 1) = "+" Then
HtmStr = HtmStr & "<h1><a name=Locks%20Wiki>"
HtmStr = HtmStr & SubString(line,1, StrLength(line))
HtmStr = HtmStr & "</a></h1>" & crlf
End If
End If
line = FileRead (c1)
FileClose (c1)
web.DocumentText = HtmStr
End If
End Sub
Sub Button2_Click
End Sub
Sub web_DocumentCompleted
'Msgbox("Completed", web.Url)
End Sub
Sub web_Navigating
End Sub
Sub web_Navigated
' Msgbox("Navigated to" & crlf & web.Url)
' Textbox1.Text = web.Url
End Sub
+Locks Wiki
[Access Control]
[Key Cabinets-Boxes]
[Locks Via Brand]
[Rolla Doors]
I don't do HTML but I would have thought that when you are about to make a link to a file then "interpret" it then and point the link to the "interpreted" file.My problem is I create links that are the name of other text files.
Is there a way I can load the text file for interpreting
ReEntry = false ' in Globals
Sub Web_Navigating
If Not(ReEntry) Then
ReEntry = true
Do stuff that might cause re-entry
ReEntry = false
End IF
End Sub
web.DocumentText="<html><body><p><a class='internal' href='homepage.txt'>Home Page</a></p></body></html>"
web.DocumentText = HtmStr
Return HtmStr
Sub web_Navigating
If web.NavigatingURL = "about:blank" Then
'Msgbox (web.NavigatingURL)
url=SubString(web.NavigatingURL,6, StrLength(web.NavigatingURL)-6)
End If
End Sub
Sub Globals
'Declare the global variables here.
ReEntry = false ' in Globals
End Sub
Sub App_Start
web.DocumentText="<html><body><p><a class='internal' href='homepage.txt'>Home Page</a></p></body></html>"
End Sub
Sub Button1_Click
web.url = Textbox1.Text 'either Navigate or assigning to Url will load the web page
End Sub
Sub GetFile(file)
If FileExist (file) = true Then
FileOpen (c1,file,cRead ,, cASCII)
HtmStr = "<html><head><meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8>"
HtmStr = HtmStr & "<title>homepage</title>"
HtmStr = HtmStr & "<link rel=stylesheet href=file:///C:\Users\Tony\Documents\WM_Wiki_Pages\Locks\wikistyle.css Type=text/css>"
HtmStr = HtmStr & "</head><body>"
line = FileRead (c1)
Do Until line = EOF
If line <> EOF Then
If SubString(line, 0, 1) = "[" Then
If SubString(line,1,1) = "^" Then
' do nothing
HtmStr = HtmStr & "Insert page here" & crlf
HtmStr = HtmStr & "<p><a class=" & Chr(34) & "internal" & Chr(34) & " href=" & Chr(34)
HtmStr = HtmStr & SubString(line,1, StrLength(line)-2) & ".txt" & Chr(34) & ">" & SubString(line,1, StrLength(line)-2)
HtmStr = HtmStr & " </a> </p>" & crlf
End If
End If
If SubString(line, 0, 1) = "+" Then
HtmStr = HtmStr & "<h1><a name=Locks%20Wiki>"
HtmStr = HtmStr & SubString(line,1, StrLength(line))
HtmStr = HtmStr & "</a></h1>" & crlf
End If
End If
line = FileRead (c1)
FileClose (c1)
Return HtmStr
' Msgbox(HtmStr)
' web.DocumentText = HtmStr
' Msgbox("complete")
End If
End Sub
Sub Button2_Click
End Sub
Sub web_DocumentCompleted
'Msgbox("Completed", web.Url)
End Sub
Sub web_Navigating
If web.NavigatingURL = "about:blank" Then
'Msgbox (web.NavigatingURL)
url=SubString(web.NavigatingURL,6, StrLength(web.NavigatingURL)-6)
End If
End Sub
Sub web_Navigated
' Msgbox("web_Navigated")
' Msgbox("Navigated to" & crlf & web.Url)
Textbox1.Text = web.Url
End Sub
If you mean progammatically you can't. Only the user can scroll the page displayed in the browser by using the can i scroll webbrowser for line and for page
Try using the Door library and a Door Object.As there is no web.focus available how might I set focus to this item?
DoorObject.RunMethod("Focus") ' this is case-sensitive