B4J Tutorial [Web] Deploy PocketBase SQLite WebServer WebApp on DigitalOcean (FrontEnd + BackEnd)


There is a marketplace available deployment on..

Use SHH Option.

Ive found that using WinSCP is rather easier to connect to the droplet too.

All the best!


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Now that the back-end is deployed, its time to deploy your front-end.


1. You chose the SSH option and have saved your public and private keys. Follow the prompts on Digital Ocean to create your key files.
2. Use FileZilla > Go to Edit > Settings > Select SFTP


Click on Add Key file and import your private key file.

On the connection, use your droplet digital ocean IP address


The password should be root

Once connected on the / root folder, locate a folder called /opt/pocketbase. Create a folder called pb_bublic, then ftp your website content there.


In the browser, type in your IP address and your website will appear.

Now you can use your PocketBase WebApp and its BackEnd from the same location.

Here is SithasoIONIC7, running on PocketBase
