B4J Library [Web] SithasoDaisy2: TailwindCss WebApps powered by B4x & BANano


Hi there

It's will pleasure to release the SithasoDaisy b4xlib for your TailwindCSS based Web Apps. This uses BANano

Get it now for $15 here

Demo on Vercel
Skim the eBook
Free Computer Books

Check $5 WebApps

Check our flipbook here

This library has both Abstract Designer support and full code development.

Check our Netlify Demo here.

Check it on Share My Creations (where you can get a copy)

Happy coding..

SithasoDaisy TailwindCSS WebApps​

Subscribe to SithasoDaisy TailwindCSS WebApps and get a WebApp each month of the year.

Visit https://sithasoholdings.gumroad.com/l/vwaqj to activate your subscription.


Thank you so much.
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Mashy Teaches TailwindCSS using b4x (with eBook)​



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Update 08 November 2022

  • eBook has been updated.
  • 2 b4xtemplates have been created to help create SithasoDaisy projects easier

Please get on same location communicated via email.

You can get yourself a copy also from Gumoad

Happy Coding


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Version 1.15 is now available - please get from same download link.

This comes with own SithasoDaisy API documentation for both the online documentation & eBook

Change Log
  • Added a Close & Open methods for drawer. To close the drawer now use .Close instead of .Hide.
  • Fixed bugs in Modal
  • Added more properties for SDUILabel
  • Drawer can have transparent overlay using OverlayBgColor (see User Onboarding Lesson)
  • Form serialization & deserializatiton to JSON, so that we can call .GetData and .SetData on the modal using a Map.
  • Added Title, Content, Action classes to Modal
  • Added OwnActions to Modal (hide actions bar and use own buttons)
  • Modal Visible being set to true now shows the modal automatically
  • Set modal glass mode in prop bag
  • Modal has a closeable button (top ight)
  • Added Items Per Page in prop bag for table.

Other minor bug fixes and improvements.

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Version 1.16 is out!

Login into your Gumroad account to get the latest content. An email has been sent for those who got it using Paypal. If you dont have it, please PM here.

It is with pleasure to release Version 1.16.
  • Updated eBook with guides on how to create your apps when using the Abstract Designer
  • Updated API Docs to cover all components
  • New b4xtemplates & examples
  • How to create repetitive layouts with single events
  • Chat
  • Signature Pad
  • Video
  • Property Table
  • Date range & multiple dates
  • Full Calendar
  • Dialer
  • Alerts & Toasts with timeouts.
These are some of the new goodies

Thank you so much!!


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Version 1.18 is out

What's new as compared to the last version.

1. MySQL crud (also saving base 64 image string to db)
2. PocketBase Multi-User Demo (Sign In, Sign Up, Forgot Password screens)
3. Multi Product Card using a single SDUICard.
4. Pocketbase Chatroom using SSE.
5. AES Ciphering (Encrypt & Decrypt)
6. Supabase crud with SSE.
7. Supabase Auth Process (Sign In, Sign Up)
8. CallMeBot (WhatsApp, Telegram, FB Messenger etc)
9. Product Listing with SDUISelect with different items on select (trap "buy" click and select change events.
10. SithasoDocs.b4xlib renamed to SithasoDaisyDocs.b4xlib.

Check it out on Netlify.

Get SithasoDaisy Now at 50% discount!
Discount Code: AHLTLVE for Gumroad

Price will go back to nomal on 01/01/2023.
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Please pin SithasoDaisy and then activate Notifications.

1. Please visit SithasoDaisy on Netlify, https://sithasodaisyui.netlify.app/
2. On top right of the navigation bar is a notification button, please click it.

3. Please pin SithasoDaisy so that it's open on your browser, this will enable it to receive notifications.
4. As soon as a notification is sent by our server you can get it.

Thank you so much.


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SithasoDaisy Version 1.20 is out.

This version addresses SDUITable inline editing for the following elements:

  • TextBox
  • Select
  • TextArea
  • DatePicker
  • TimePicker
  • Range
  • CheckBox
  • Rating
  • Toggle

Check it on GitHub

Check Demo on Netlify



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Version 1.20 Maintenance

1. SDUITable - AddColumnFileInput

tb4.AddColumnFileInput("product", "Choose Product")

Update the value of a ow at a column posititon. In this example we upload the file to the server and then get its paths and update the avatar column in that row with the new image.

Private Sub tb4_ChangeRow (Row As Int, Value As Object, Column As String, item As Map)
    Select Case Column
    Case "product"
        'value is the file object
        Dim fd As FileObject = SDUIShared.UploadFileWait(Value)
        'get the file name
        Dim fn As String = fd.FileName
        'get the status of the upload
        Dim sstatus As String = fd.Status
        Select Case sstatus
        Case "error"
        Case "success"
        End Select
        'get the upload full path
        Dim fp As String = fd.FullPath
        tb4.SetRowColumn("avatar", Row, fp)
    End Select
End Sub

2. Change "Select Items" for columnin a table for all rows

'change the select items for all rows
    banano.Await(tb4.SetSelectListItems("country", Array("Afghanistan", "Albania", "Australia", "USA", "Brazil", "Chile", "Guinea", "South Africa", "Nigeria")))

This changes the select items in a column for all rows in the table. This should be done after rows are added.

3. Change "Select Items" for a column for a particular row

'change the select items for row 2
    banano.Await(tb4.SetSelectListItemsOfRow("country", 2, Array("Afghanistan1", "Albania1", "Australia1", "USA", "Brazil", "Chile", "Guinea", "South Africa", "Nigeria1")))

4. Change the value of a paticular row & column item. In the avatar column on row 1, change the value to be a:/anele/pic1.jpg"

        tb4.SetRowColumn("avatar", 0, "c:/anele/pic1.jpg")

Ceveat: works for toggle, checkbox, range, progress, select, textbox, textarea, datepicker, timepicker, password, number, textarea, badge, avatar, normal column, image

5. Change the row data. The row data should be key values where the key is the column name and value is the new value.

tb4.Setrow(1, CreateMap("id":1, "avatar": "x" ...))

Ceveat: works for toggle, checkbox, range, progress, select, textbox, textarea, datepicker, timepicker, password, number, textarea, badge, avatar, normal column, image

NB: Please download
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Active Member
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Great !
Is there another way I can make a preselection for a selection field?

I have e.g.

Value 1 = shoes

Value 2 = T-shirt

Now I liked the value 2 is already chosen


Licensed User
Longtime User
Great !
Is there another way I can make a preselection for a selection field?

I have e.g.

Value 1 = shoes

Value 2 = T-shirt

Now I liked the value 2 is already chosen
As these settings works when there are existing rows, you can add a row with 2 specified for that column, then when you execute the set it will pick it up.

You can also use setrowcolumn to change values in existing rows.


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small problem still with the Select.
when I build the "table":
mdlSDUITablemultiprodukt.AddColumnSelect( "op","Requirements",False,False, createmap("test":"test", "test2":"test2") )
"test" is then selected when the table appears

banano.Await(mdlSDUITablemultiprodukt.SetSelectListItemsOfRow("op", 1, Array("Afghanistan1", "Albania1", "Australia1", "USA", "Brazil", "Chile", "Guinea", "South Africa", "Nigeria1")))
If I then select "update" then nothing is selected

See this picture:


How can I "pre-select" something if I have changed the options for select? Otherwise it is always empty after the change...


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In post 15, I indicated that you can
Yes thats clear, but How i can select „Australia1“ ?

from :
banano.Await(mdlSDUITablemultiprodukt.SetSelectListItemsOfRow("op", 1, Array("Afghanistan1", "Albania1", "Australia1", "USA", "Brazil", "Chile", "Guinea", "South Africa", "Nigeria1")))


Licensed User
Longtime User
You can also use setrowcolumn to change values in existing rows.
In the SithasoDaisy demo example, table 6 for example we have this example.

Private Sub tb4_ChangeRow (Row As Int, Value As Object, Column As String, item As Map)
    Select Case Column
    Case "product"
        'value is the file object
        Dim fd As FileObject = SDUIShared.UploadFileWait(Value)
        'get the file name
        Dim fn As String = fd.FileName
        'get the status of the upload
        Dim sstatus As String = fd.Status
        Select Case sstatus
        Case "error"
        Case "success"
        End Select
        'get the upload full path
        Dim fp As String = fd.FullPath
        tb4.SetRowColumn("avatar", Row, fp)
    End Select
End Sub

Each time a file input is changed, the avatar column at that specific row is changed. So in your case, on SetRowColumn

the column name to pass is "op", the row to change is 1 and the value Australia1.

I have updated the demo code also

'change the select items for row 2
banano.Await(tb4.SetSelectListItemsOfRow("country", 2, Array("Afghanistan1", "Albania1", "Australia1", "USA", "Brazil", "Chile", "Guinea", "South Africa", "Nigeria1")))
'select Australia1   
tb4.SetRowColumn("country", 2, "Australia1")

Ceveat: This can only be done on existing rows

I hope its clear
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