Share My Creation [Web] Support Ticketing System

Current version: 1.03
Status: Released
Price: $150

What's new?
  1. Performance improvement when querying for tickets using vw_tickets view.
    This view is automatically created if it does not exist in old database.
  2. Many new functions in DatabaseBuilder class such as IfNull, Create2, setSelect2, SelectFromView, ViewExists and ViewExists2.
  3. Added "Delete Ticket" button for Staff ticket view.
  4. Some enhancements in User Login page.
  5. Some changes in JavaScripts files.
  6. Updated firebird.example to use MaxPoolSize=0 by default
  7. Updated firebird.sql script file to create vw_tickets view
  1. Changes in firebird.example - DbToolPath to set path of isql, UseScript, ScriptFile
  2. Changes in postgresql.example - DbToolPath to set path of createdb
  3. Updated firebird.sql script file
  4. Fix issue creating tables for Firebird, articles table must be created after topics table
  5. Fix search engine on top of page for Firebird to support case-insensitive keyword search
  1. WYSIWYG editor, using summernote plugin
  2. Toast message, using toastr plugin, replacing the ugly javascript alert
  3. SessionStorage is used to show toast message after page reload
  4. Email notification added for client registration and ticket status changes by staff or client
  5. HTML file generated for previewing emails instead of sending actual email
  6. Bug fixed in JavaScript document ready calling functions in wrong order (Ajax/event loop issue)
  7. Bug fixed in SQLite, missing "server" tag in build configuration causing unexpected database closed
  8. Bug fixed in SQLite message table created date (DatabaseBuilder)
  9. Add size to some text fields in tables like tickets, messages and articles (no affects to SQLite database)
  10. Disable/Enable cascading drop-down lists when selecting equipments (Type->Brand->Model)
  11. Some code cleanup and renaming
  12. Some modification in database config example file
  13. Missing additional jars for Velocity library 2.01 has been uploaded under B4J (shortcut back to version 1.00)
  14. Moved some js files to plugins folder
  15. Minor UI changes in login forms (client and staff)
  16. Updated jQuery validation to validate maxlength of some name and description fields
  17. jQuery validation also validate WYSIWYG editor which has default text even the content is empty
  18. Limit client from deleting their attachments (Error message toast and page reloads)
  1. Based on Web API Server Template version 2.08 (improved version)
  2. Supporting databases: SQLite, MySQL/MariaDB, Firebird 3+, PostgreSQL and MS SQL Server 2019
  3. DatabaseBuilder and DatabaseConnector classes (more powerful than MiniORM)
  4. Separate config files e.g sqlite.ini for different database engine (in addition to existing config.ini)
  5. More organized and reusable code (DRY principle)
  6. More user-friendly logs and debug experience (click the colourful log to jump to the correct verb method)
  7. Display date and time based on client side local timezone using JavaScript if database time is save as UTC (can be disabled)
  8. Improved jQuery Uploader with confirmation dialog (prevent user accidentally delete or download an attachment)
  9. Uploaded attachment retain it's original file name and file is organized with subfolders according to upload date and time
  10. API version changed from v2 to v1 (Try clear browser cache due to updated JavaScript if you have run previous version before)
  11. Comment link to export project as zip file using WinRAR (like B4XPages project)

Click to zoom
Click to zoom

Demo Video

  1. Server: jServer (For production, it is a compiled jar to run on Linux or Windows VPS)
  2. Backend: Powered by EndsMeet framework and Web API Template 2 which produces JSON format REST API. Business logic coded with B4J.
  3. Database: MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Firebird and SQLite. No additional SQL knowledge required for specific database since queries are handled by DatabaseBuilder class. Same code works for all databases.
  4. Template: AdminLTE3 (Bootstrap 4) powered by Velocity Template Engine works perfectly on mobile or desktop browser.
  5. File Uploader: jquery-uploader with nice image viewer.
  6. Security: Session and password hashing. SQL prepared statements to prevent SQL injection.
  7. Email: SMTP with jNet library for new ticket creation, client registration, reset and change password.
  8. Knowledge: Skills in web development are not required unless you want to modify the frontend.
  9. SEO: Pretty URL routes
  1. Not PHP, .NET, Python
  2. No drag-and-drop tool for front-end web UI included
  3. No B4X UI Views
  4. Not a low code/no code app generator
  5. No ABM, BANano, BVAD3, SithasoDaisy
  6. No Vue, Angular, ReactJS
  7. Not PWA
  8. No NPM, Composer or package.json
  9. No obfuscated JavaScript or CSS
  10. No virtual environment or docker
  11. Not working in shared hosting
  12. No cookie, localstorage and JWT used
  13. Web API is not suitable for B4A or B4i clients*
  14. Not multilanguage such as Italian, only English.
* I decided to remove the complexity of JWT and only focus on server session (stateful). However, it is possible to support mobile clients (stateless) with some modification but this is out of the scope of this project.
  1. This is the first complete web app for Ticketing System in the forum ever made.
  2. It is powered by EndsMeet, a web development framework with libraries build from the ground up such as Web API template and Velocity library.
  3. You don't want to use PHP or C# but choose B4X as your backend programming language hosted on the high performance jServer powered by Jetty.
  4. You want to use a simple yet powerful template engine, Velocity.
  5. Frontend is based on the most popular AdminLTE dashboard template.
  6. You want to write simple B4X code that work with 5 most popular database engines.
  7. You want to start developing with the lightweight SQLite and migrate to other database engine such as MySQL, SQL Server, Firebird or PostgreSQL in the future.
  8. You plan to build a REST API server which can be reused for your mobile or desktop apps.
  9. You want to learn how to build a front-end that provide good user interface and experience (UI/UX) for desktop and mobile users.
  10. You want to know how to manage login sessions or restrict user access in jServer web app.
  11. You want to know how to use SMTP or jNET library for sending email during user registration, activation, change password and reset password.
  12. You can modify this project to build app for e-commerce, inventory, e-learning, ERP, CRM, project management, data collection, dashboard, etc.
Then, get this source code at a very low price while it last!
Return JSON response using MiniORM:
Private Sub GetClients
    ' #Version = v1
    ' #Desc = List all clients
        If UserAuthorize(Array As String("staff")) = False Then
        End If
        DB.Table = "tbl_clients"
        HRM.ResponseCode = 200
        HRM.ResponseData = DB.Results
        HRM.ResponseCode = 422
        HRM.ResponseError = "Error execute query"
    End Try
End Sub
View on Github
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Licensed User
good morning, as far as I can tell, in my opinion the price proposed by @aeric , I think it's an honest price, the truth is that each of us has different methods of managing our tickets, and therefore to adapt the program to our needs need to work on it a bit, this would be "simple" at least for me if it was done in b4x environment, but using html css etc. for me it is very difficult to manage any changes


Licensed User
good morning, as far as I can tell, in my opinion the price proposed by @aeric , I think it's an honest price, the truth is that each of us has different methods of managing our tickets, and therefore to adapt the program to our needs need to work on it a bit, this would be "simple" at least for me if it was done in b4x environment, but using html css etc. for me it is very difficult to manage any changes

Yes, I agree with you on everything
Please note that I did not ask to change anything
But if our colleague aeric asks "...if anyone is interested in trying it..." I pointed out to him that I too would be interested in trying it and also in buying it
If the project had some things that interest me, that's all


Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
I am offering a basic minimum system at a very low price.
Different people will have different needs.
What suited you may not suited for the rest.
However, if you have the source code, you can make addition with less effort since the basic structure is already there for you.
If you want me to customize for you, that is additional charges.
So, at 60$ (price with discount) you are offering source code?


Licensed User
Longtime User
good morning, as far as I can tell, in my opinion the price proposed by @aeric , I think it's an honest price, the truth is that each of us has different methods of managing our tickets, and therefore to adapt the program to our needs need to work on it a bit, this would be "simple" at least for me if it was done in b4x environment, but using html css etc. for me it is very difficult to manage any changes
You are correct. If you want a project 100% fit your needs out of the box then this is not the right project for you. As far as I know there is nothing exist like you described. Not sure if you mean ABM or BANano but my understanding is these libraries also not converting the B4X Views like B4XTable to Web app for you.


Licensed User
Longtime User
but using html css etc. for me it is very difficult to manage any changes

Require some skills in web development such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript (Bootstrap4 and jQuery)

HTML, CSS is not difficult if they have been simplified in some ways.
Using Bootstrap, the CSS styling is handled using some friendly class. There is no need to edit the CSS.

In my project, JavaScript/jQuery mostly use for AJAX call to API. That's it. Just learn one function. No need to bother about other JavaScript.

If anyone have seen my code, one will find that my files are well organized and naming. It should be easy to extend.

I am willing to guide anyone or maybe create a short tutorial on basics of Bootstrap and AJAX. It may takes around 20 minutes to learn.
By the way, I am a beginner too. If I can, you also can.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Latest version 0.11.0
Added search at top navigation bar, search by Ticket Code or Subject
Added form validation for Client Login, Register and Staff Login
Added show/hide password for Login and Register forms
Many bug fixes and user experience improvements


Licensed User
Longtime User
I think it's an honest price
I am not sure how an "honest" price is defined. I can only say I am providing the project with a "generous" price.
And it looks more like a donation price.

Honestly, I spent more than 2 months to build this project, day and night. I even work when I don't feeling well. If I consider 2 salary months, the total cost would be $4k to $5k. This cost is not yet include future enhancements. I even create this project when I knew there were not much interest on it. I have open the project requirements to all and tried my best to meet all of them. For me, if 1 or 2 person get this project for me to make ends meet I would be very grateful. I have shared a lot of projects for free for the past few years and don't get anything in return. This is very demotivate.


Licensed User
Longtime User
New update (version 0.15):

What's new?
  1. Upload attachments
  2. Datatable (paging, column sorting, searching)
  3. Add new message when updating ticket and adding new equipment
  4. Updated with latest MiniORM
  5. Improved user experience
  6. Bug fixes and more
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Licensed User
Longtime User
New update (version 0.15):

What's new?
  1. Upload attachments
  2. Datatable (paging, column sorting, searching)
  3. Add new message when updating ticket and adding new equipment
  4. Updated with latest MiniORM
  5. Bug fixes and more
Your commitment and dedication to update the code is the key of a successful product. Keep coding!


Licensed User
Longtime User
Source code for latest update has been sent to purchaser of this project.
Thanks for the support.


Licensed User
I really like this project
I'm learning a lot of things by studying the code
And Aeric's assistance is quick and decisive


Licensed User
Longtime User
New major update (version 0.17 beta):

What's new?
  1. Knowledge Base - Articles by Topics
  2. Send Email to Client and Staff when creating new ticket (experimental)
  3. Create HTML file instead of sending email in Debug mode (keep in Objects folder)
  4. View non-image file in attachment section such as PDF or download as Zip file in new tab
  5. Firebird database support (jaybird JDBC driver required)
  6. Minor changes such as fontawesome icons in sidemenu
  7. Created Date column added to Ticket datatable