Library deprecated. Use UltimateWebView2 instead.
WebkitLibrariesSet is an advanced successor to the UltimateWebView library. Instead of a single library that made up UltimateWebView, the new concept contains a collection of a large number of libraries that belong to the android.webkit class set. Each library that is an integral part of the WebkitLibrariesSet contains from one to at most several smaller classes.
The advantages of this approach are multiple, and I will mention only a part of them:
Manifest requirements:
Version 1.0 libraries list:
If this libraries makes your work easier and saves time in creating your application, please make a donation.
Library deprecated. Use UltimateWebView2 instead.
A new old acquaintance (UltimateWebView) returns on the first day of 2024. This library is my New Year's greeting to all the members of this really special forum, a forum that doesn't let the good old BASIC programming language go into oblivion. The new library is called UltimateWebView2 and is...
WebkitLibrariesSet is an advanced successor to the UltimateWebView library. Instead of a single library that made up UltimateWebView, the new concept contains a collection of a large number of libraries that belong to the android.webkit class set. Each library that is an integral part of the WebkitLibrariesSet contains from one to at most several smaller classes.
The advantages of this approach are multiple, and I will mention only a part of them:
- Each library in the set is independent from the others, but can be used in synergy with each of the libraries in the set.
- For your project, you will use only those libraries from the kit that are needed for your project. With this approach, you can reduce the size of your final application compared to the size of the application using a single UltimateWebView library.
- In addition to the fact that each library in the kit is independent, each of them can be used with the native B4A WebView. This means that if you do not need to use WebkitWebView (successor of UltimateWebView) with all its options, in that case you can use native WebView in synergy with other libraries in this set.
- To use WebkitWebView Custom View (the successor of UltimateWebView), you don't have to use all the libraries from set, but only those that are necessary for your project (while using UltimateWebView all classes from the set of libraries were necessary).
Manifest requirements:
- For WebkitWebChromeClient
'Camera Permissions AddPermission(android.permission.CAMERA) AddPermission(android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO) AddPermission(android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS) AddPermission(android.permission.MICROPHONE) '------------------------ 'Geolocation Permissions AddPermission(android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) AddPermission(android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) 'AddPermission(android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION) 'AddPermission(android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) '------------------------
- For WebkitDownloadListener
'DownloadListener Permissions AddPermission(android.permission.DOWNLOAD_WITHOUT_NOTIFICATION) '------------------------
- For WebkitWebView Custom View.
Version 1.0 libraries list:
- WebkitConsoleMessage 1.0
- WebkitCookieManager 1.0
- WebkitDownloadListener 1.0
- WebkitHttpAuthHandler 1.0
- WebkitJavascriptInterface 1.0
- WebkitJsResultAndJsPromptResult 1.0
- WebkitMimeTypeMap 1.0
- WebkitSafeBrowsingResponse 1.0
- WebkitURLUtil 1.0
- WebkitWebBackForwardList 1.0
- WebkitWebChromeClient 1.0
- WebkitWebResourceError 1.0
- WebkitWebResourceRequest 1.0
- WebkitWebResourceResponse 1.0
- WebkitWebView 1.0 Custom View
- WebkitWebViewAssetLoader 1.0
- WebkitWebViewClient 1.0
- WebkitWebViewDatabase 1.0
- WebkitWebViewSettings 1.0
If this libraries makes your work easier and saves time in creating your application, please make a donation.
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