I have loaded a webpage in webview where the user will type something in the 'textarea' of the webpage. However the keypad on mobile has no 'Done' button. How to force 'Done' button when clicked on 'textarea'?
P.S: In case you are wondering what the heck I am trying - I am trying Google Transliteration (without API). The text will be transliterated in the webview and passed on to a Label outside webview
Hi Inman,
Perhaps you meant edit text? I am asking about textarea in webpage loaded in webview
No I have never read any guide of any software I just work with example codes and wing Iit from there I know it's not best practice
Oh you mean the textarea in web page. There is an IME library that can be used to customize keyboard related aspects. I am not sure if it has the feature you are looking for. Just give it a try.